All You Need To Know About ‘Masuk Angin’

All You Need To Know About ‘Masuk Angin’

Who doesn’t know masuk angin’ in Indonesia?

Although there is no medical term and is not known in the medical world, ‘masuk angin’ is the most common and all pervading disease in Indonesia.

Doctors consider this a myth, although many people claim to suffer from it often. You can check it on the internet or ask your Facebook friends from other parts of the world, and you will find that ‘masuk angin’ only exists in Indonesia.

Masuk angin’ itself is often defined as a feeling of “not feeling well” due to wind that enters the body. It could be due to being in an air-conditioned room for too long, often spending time on outdoor activities, or often being in the rain.

This condition is believed by many Indonesians to be a real disease, but until now there has not been sufficient medical evidence to support this claim. Not to mention that this ‘masuk angin’ is similar to flu/influenza, because it has the same symptoms and causes.

‘Masuk Angin’ according to the doctor

Although in the medical world it is considered a myth, the term ‘masuk angin’ is a condition in which a person feels sore, bloated, or the stomach feels full, can’t stop passing gas, nausea, cough, flu, feels cold, and has a fever.

Indonesians usually start to feel ‘masuk angin’ when one of these symptoms appears. This term does not exist in medical literature, so ‘masuk angin’ are just what the Indonesians call this collection of symptoms. Because the symptoms and causes vary, how to treat it varies. One symptom cannot be equated with the other.

Generally when we feel ‘masuk angin’, the way to deal with it is with kerokan. This is so that the wind “gets out”. Unfortunately from a medical point of view, Kerokan or ‘scraping the skin’ are not very helpful and instead open and widen the pores of the body. Not to mention if the symptoms you feel are bloating due to late eating, kerokan doesn’t help at all, because it is only skin-deep.

As a treatment for ‘masuk angin’, kerokan are not recommended in medical standards. The cause must be found first and then given the appropriate treatment. If the symptoms of ‘masuk angin’ are still there after a few days, you should see a doctor.

Masuk Angin’ can be a sign of other diseases

In a blog written by a GP Dr. Kosasi in Rengat, Riau Province, in 2015, based on his observations and experiences as medical personnel, not scientific research, ‘masuk angin’ does not exist.

The symptoms or conditions that have been described previously do make a person feel that he has a ‘masuk angin’. But according to Dr. Kosasi, conditions or symptoms have their own causes and can be signs of other diseases.

What we most often feel when we catch a ‘masuk angin’ is a mild fever. Usually, it’s because you spend too long in an air-conditioned room or linger outside. According to Dr. Kosasi, this condition is actually the beginning of influenza or flu.

Burping after massage is also seen as a sign of ‘masuk angin’, such as when massaging the upper or lower arms and other body parts.

“This unique phenomenon certainly makes us very sure that we are having ‘masuk angin‘. What is the real cause of this complaint? Complaints of belching if our bodies are massaged can be caused by several possible diseases. First, pinched nerves in the back area near the shoulder blades. Then, excess levels of blood fat or triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia),” wrote Dr. Kosasi in his blog at

He also suggested, since ‘masuk angin’ is unknown and has never been taught in medical science in general, doctors need to ask further and in detail when dealing with patients who complain of ‘masuk angin’, when they go to the doctor.

“Complete and detailed information about what you are experiencing is very useful for you and your doctor to conclude what exactly is the disease that makes you ‘masuk angin’,” he said.

How to Treat Masuk Angin

Drink enough fluids

Drink plenty of water, juice, broth soup, or warm lemon water with honey to help prevent dehydration. Avoid consumption of alcohol, coffee, and soda which can make dehydration worse.


Rest is one of the most effective treatments to relieve colds. The body needs more time to rest in order to heal. Adding a few hours of rest during the day will go a long way in helping your body recover.

Take medicine

Taking medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help relieve the pain that attacks. Gargling with warm water mixed with a quarter or half teaspoon of salt can help relieve a sore throat. In addition, you can check with your doctor to get the right medicine and dose related to cold medicine.

Eat hot food

Eating warm foods, such as chicken soup or other soupy foods can provide calm and warmth to the body. In addition, drinking hot water or tea is also recommended to help calm the body and reduce dehydration.

Maintain air humidity

Maintaining air humidity can also be done by providing a vaporizer or mist humidifier. This is done to help replace the air in the room every day so that it can circulate properly.