IndoIndians Book Club: Discuss and Discover books


Join the IndoIndians Book Club, initiated in October 2017 and currently has over 100 members with monthly meetings usually at India Club Office – Menara Kuningan 9th Floor Unit D, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta. 

A group for the readers exclusively in Jakarta and across Indonesia to connect, discuss and discover books.
The group members meet once a month and have a lot of fun discussing books, sharing viewpoints and lot of books. 

A great forum to find like minded people, and is open to all. 

The book club has its own facebook group at   

Book club coordinator: Shradha Hegde

IndoIndians Book Club is warm, friendly and informal. It caters to book lovers of all genres.
We now have a Lending Library at India Club Office, where we also organise monthly meetups to discuss books over coffee/tea and snacks.
The books for discussion are recommended by the book club members.

At the meetups we,
– welcome new members
– discuss the selected book
– share our current books being read or on our TBR list
– excahnge books
– sometimes go live on our FB group page

We welcome new ideas and suggestions from members. Tell us about your expectations from this Book Club.

For any other questions feel free to PM the coordinator Shradha Hegde.