Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Inner Peace Through Yoga & Meditation

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Inner Peace Through Yoga & Meditation

Sharing exciting news with you,

1. Launching the all NEW Indoindians Giftshop which is built on a whole new eCommerce platform and is mobile responsive. Do visit today and share your feedback on the look and order flowers to surprise someone in India or Indonesia.

2. Come join us for chai, samosas & books to Launch the Indoindians – India Club Lending Library on Saturday, 28th July from 10am -12 noon at Menara Kuningan, 9th Floor, Unit D. Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said No 5, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: (62 21) 300 15 666. Everybody is welcome.

In this newsletter explore yoga, to transform your body, mind, and heart, and support YOU in your personal journey toward inner peace.

Let me know how it goes, share with Indoindians in the comments below!

Breathe. Namaste.

Indoindians Team

This week’s newsletter here>>