Online Mindfulness Practice – A Creative Mind on 2nd May

Mindfulness practice - A Creative Mind

Everything in our lives happens for a reason. The ability to embrace the happenings in our life, allows us to tap into the opportunities and create the future we desire and deserve. A creative mind transforms  disruptions into creative tensions, opening new paths for us to grow and thrive.

Date and Time: Saturday, May 2nd  2020, 11.30 am – 1.00 pm  (WIB)

Online Zoom platform: click link to register you will receive link to session by email

In this session you will learn a major skill to counteract stress and move into a state of quote Mindfulness practice - A Creative Minddeep relaxation, within 20 minutes. Medical research has shown that mindfulness offers a wide range of health benefits and sleep returns to normal patterns. The session will also cover an understanding of brain waves, functions associated with different brain waves,  what causes our reactive responses and how to transform these reactive responses to creative responses.

‘A Creative Mind’  is a remarkable yet simple technique that develops our Emotional Intelligence (EQ), our capacity for Discernment (IQ) and deepens our sensitivity for empathy and compassion (SQ). With time we become a witness to our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Over a period of time, deeply embedded limiting patterns in our nervous system are released and we become more open and creative in our responses to life’s challenges.

Your facilitator: Shalini Matai

Shalini Matai

Shalini serves as a facilitator of transformation/Coach and has vast experience with Leadership and Culture transformation journeys and Coaching in diverse sectors. She has 20-years’ experience with meditation, energy practices and various tools for transformation.

Shalini is co-founder of Ananta Universal, a Jakarta based boutique Leadership Transformation and Consulting. She actively serves as an affiliate advisor with Aberkyn, a McKinsey & Co. owned leadership development firm since 2015. Her professional life includes merchandising and marketing, financial analyst, coaching, learning and development facilitator. Shalini is a certified Facilitator of Transformation with Gita Bellin & Associates and Corporate Evolution. She is certified in Culture Transformation Tools as well as in Ontological, Epistemological and Transformational Coaching.