Resilience in a Time of Crisis – Online Session 28th March


In March 2020 the world looks very different from December 2019; The schools and colleges world over closed, Examinations cancelled, Flights grounded, cities in lock down, World economy in a down-turn and most people world over working from home. Our existence as it was is being challenged and we are asked to re-invent ourselves in many different ways. How do we stay centered as we move ahead on this path of finding a new way of existence?

Resilience is a key value that paves the pathway and provides us with the awareness and energy to manage ourselves and others in a time of crisis.resilience tigger

Resilience allows us to go through the ups and downs of life with stability.

It helps us cultivate:

  • A healthy, energetic body
  • Emotionally well connected (with Self and Others)
  • Intelligent Mind (ability to access what is needed in the moment)

What is Resilience? How do you recognise resilience and build a resilient self?

A sneak peek into the world of Resilience:

Date & Time: Saturday, 28th March, 2020  at 10:00 am – 11.30am

The session will be conducted online via zoom. Upon registration you will be emailed a link to the session.

The session is brought to you by Indoindians and Ananta Universal

Shalini Matai

Shalini MataiShalini serves as a facilitator of transformation/Coach and has vast experience with Leadership and Culture transformation journeys and Coaching in diverse sectors. She has 20-years’ experience with Mindfulness Practices, Creative Expression, Somatic and Energy work as tools for transformation.

Shalini is co-founder and director at Ananta Universal, a Jakarta based boutique Leadership Transformation and Consulting. She actively serves as an affiliate advisor with Aberkyn, a McKinsey & Co. owned leadership development firm since 2015. Her professional life began as a merchandising and marketing professional after MBA and she worked as a financial analyst after successfully completing 3 years of CFA studies. Shalini is a certified Facilitator of Transformation with Gita Bellin & Associates and Corporate Evolution. She is certified in Culture Transformation Tools as well as in Ontological, Epistemological and Transformational Coaching.

Lalit Matai

Lalit MataiLalit has deep faith in human potential and trusts that transformation is possible in individuals, businesses and societies. He brings together a unique combination of corporate experience and passion for facilitating transformation. He has over 25 years of experience in growing and transforming businesses. His expertise is strategic management, international marketing, business development and transformational design/implementation.

He is co-founder and director at Ananta Universal, a Jakarta based boutique Leadership Transformation and Consulting firm. Lalit supports investment strategy and transformational design/implementation as an Operating Partner with an NY-based private equity investment firm. He previously headed the retail and apparel manufacturing divisions of a leading Indonesian Conglomerate, and has over 20 years of experience in fashion, retail, and apparel.

Lalit trained as Facilitator of Transformation with Gita Bellin and Associates and Corp Evolution. He is Certified in Ontological Coaching from Newfield Network USA, as well as in Epistemological and Transformational Coaching. He is certified in Cultural Transformation Tools from Barretts’ Value Center. His academic qualifications include Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Business Management.