5 Best Beauty Schools in Jakarta


Beauty is BIG business and provides employment to many as a makeup artists, hairdressers, stylist s and many more career options. They can learn these skills with formal education at beauty schools. If you also want to be a professional makeup artist or hairdresser, here are some beauty schools in Jakarta that can be your springboard to this creative industry:

Johnny Andrean School & Training

Johnny Andrean School and Training

Johnny Andrean School & Training was established in 1984. This beauty school provides a comprehensive teaching material for hairdressing and the latest beauty trends. You can choose between four categories: beauty (for makeup skills), hairdressing, nails, or beauty treatment (facial and skin care). The materials all are provided effectively and actual practices are emphasized by the professional coaches in this beauty school.

Head Office, Jalan Meruya Selatan No 66 West Jakarta
Phone 021-21585954
Website: www.johnnyandrean.com

Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Mooryati Soedibyo (LPPMS)


LPPMS is a beauty school and training located in Jakarta Selatan. LPPMS is owned by BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, who is also famous as one of the beauty experts in Indonesia and the founder of Mustika Ratu, a local beauty and makeup brand. This beauty school provides many programs such as beauty aesthetic, spa therapy, spa management, bridal makeup, professional makeup and hair-do, and hairdressing. You can also choose the short course programs if you want to quickly master the beauty skills.

Graha Mustika Ratu (Ground Floor), Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75, South Jakarta
Phone: 021-83708887/9
Website: www.lppms.com 

Rudy Hadisuwarno Academy

Rudy Hadisuwarno Academy

Rudy Hadisuwarno is one of the famous salon franchises in Indonesia. Besides salons, Rudy Hadisuwarno also has Rudy Hadisuwarno Academy, Rudy Hadisuwarno School, Rudy Hadisuwarno Education Center, and Rudy Hadisuwarno Modeling School. If you want to focus on learning makeup and hairstyling, you can choose this academy. The professional teachers and coaches in Rudy Hadisuwarno Academy will train you not only with theories but also the philosophy and practices.


  • Pondok Indah Plaza 2, South Jakarta
    Contact Person: Lena 087872304968
  • Blok M Plaza, 5th floor, Jalan Bulungan No 76 Unit 502-504 South Jakarta 12130
    Contact Person: Essy 085100255714
    Website: www.rudyhadisuwarnoeducation.com

Puspita Martha International Beauty School

Puspita Martha

This is one of beauty schools in Jakarta that provides a comprehensive training about beauty from makeup to beauty business management. This school also holds certification from CIDESCO (world’s standard for beauty and spa therapy) and Cibtac, so it’s also credible for you who want to build a professional career in the beauty industry. You’ll get an intensive training from the very basic to advance beauty technique in this school.

Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim 19-21, Central Jakarta
Phone 021-31925921
Website: www.puspitamartha.ac.id

Makeover Makeup Academy

Makeover Makeup Academy

Makeover Makeup Academy was founded by Victoria Marlina, a professional makeup artist and makeup instructor based in Jakarta and Los Angeles. This beauty school mixes curriculum between Hollywood Glamour Makeup and Taiwan Bridal Style. Each class is a hands-on advanced makeup application class that coaches the essentials of makeup. The size of the class is also small (only for 10 students), so the instructor can assist each student one by one to meet individual needs of students.

Jalan Tanjung Duren Utara 4 No. 455, West Jakarta
Phone 021-94088800
Email: makeoveracademy@yahoo.com

Beauty does not only need tools and products, but also skills. So, if you really have passion in it, don’t waste your time by learning it by doing. You need these professional beauty schools to help you master all the beauty techniques. Get ready to have a career in the beauty industry!