6 Fun Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day During COVID-19 Pandemic


Mother’s day is a special day to show gratitude to the maternal figure in our life. However, honoring mothers in your life at this moment can be a bit difficult due to coronavirus pandemic. Despite social distancing, there are numerous ways to show your love this Mother’s day.

Here are the different ways to do it:

Decorate her front door

Since you will be social distancing, one of the things that you can do is decorate your mother’s front door. You can use various means of decoration from wreathes, flowers to potted plants. Guaranteed that she will be be delighted once she opens the door and finds her surprise. What’s more, she can leave leave it up for the neighborhood to see all season long.

Organize Virtual Gatherings

Instead of meeting your mother as you usually do every year for mother’s day, celebrate it this year by organizing a virtual meeting. Gather your loved ones and host a get together for a conference call using FaceTime, Skype, or House Party. Although it may seem quite a toned down version of an actual mother’s day party that you usually do, you will still have fun partying with karaoke and laughter from each of your respective homes.

Share a meal together

Sharing a meal can also be another option to celebrate mother’s day during this pandemic. There are many ways you can do it, from ordering their favorite meal using takeout meal delivery service to dropping off their favorite homemade dish in her front door. On Mother’s Day, you could eat together in person or eat together virtually via video call or on the phone together.

Take A Family Walk or Exercise.

Just because we are required to stay home, does not mean you can’t go outside. You just have to do it with social distancing. Taking a family walk or exercising outside would be an especially wonderful experience when the weather is beautiful outside. Otherwise you can also set up a fun exercise class at home for mom and the kids to do together.

Send a Video Card

Mother’s day cards are a special way to express your love, but it can be lost with time. Thankfully with technology taking part in our lives more than ever, you can even record special sentiments through video cards that your mom can keep forever. Not only during the pandemic, if you decide to make it a tradition then she can watch her child grow throughout the years.

Watch a mother-daughter movie together

However if you live together with your mother, then you can do a mother-daughter activity together and not mind the social distance. There are tons of activities that you can do, one of the most fun would be to watch a mother-daughter movie together. Pick one from a list of favorites, including Little Women, Steel Magnolias, and Wine Country.

What are you planning to do for this mother’s day? Tell us in the comments section below!