Healthy Computer Habits


Healthy Computer HabitsHere are some guidelines to follow for your good health at the computer:

1. Your knees, hips and elbows should be at 90-degree angles.

2. There should be an unbroken line from your elbows to your fingertips – no bending at the wrists.

3.Your hand should be relaxed when using the keyboard and mouse – not claw-like.

4. Be very aware of your posture – it is easy to “sink into” the machine over time.

5. The monitor should be an arm’s length away. This may require a special prescription if you wear glasses.

For your computer’s health and well-being keep the computer away from:

1. Extreme heat or cold
2. Liquids of any kind
3. Dirt, dust and animal hair
4. Magnets
5. High-pile carpeting

It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re in front of a computer. Before you know it, you’ve been staring at the screen for two solid hours without ever moving your body from its slumped position. Take a break! And be sure to pass this information on to your kids and grandkids. The earlier they develop good computer habits the healthier they’ll be.