Hints: Paying Utility Bills


Hints: Paying Utility Bills

If you will be responsible for paying your own utility bills, please note the following hints regarding this process as it will differ, in most cases, from that of your country of origin.

  • Utility bills will usually arrive by mail, however, you will need to inform Telkom that you require a phone bill to be delivered to your home. If for some reason you do not receive your bill you may call the following numbers to request the amount of payment due. When calling these phone numbers, have your account numbers ready.
    For Electricity: 350 1412
    For Telephone: 109 or 147
  • Information regarding the amount of payment due is available after the 6th of each month.
  • When moving into a new house ask your landlord to provide you with specific information as to where and when you must pay telephone, electricity and any water bills as this depends on the property location.
  • Before signing a residential contract, check with the appropriate utility offices to ensure that the balances on each account are paid or ask your landlord to provide proof of payment. This will protect you from paying for services that you have not utilized.
  • Keep a record of all payments that you make and receipts. These receipts may be turned over to the landlord when you depart.
  • Most bills must be paid before the 20th of the month. Late payments can result in a fine or termination of service. Reactivating a service can be difficult. By paying bills earlier, long lines may be avoided.


  • Electricity is provided by the State Electric Company, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Electricity is 220 Volt AC, 50-cycle power. Electricity is charged per kilowatt-hour used.
  • Each home is equipped with a meter and a meter card. A PLN employee will record information monthly on this card. Do not remove.
  • The electricity bill is due to be paid before the 25th of each month, a cumulative fine will be charged for late payment.


  • Call 147 for information or complaints to the telephone company (Telkom).
  • Billing periods will be indicated on your receipt. The telephone bill is due to be paid between the 6th and the 20th of each month.
  • A fine will be incurred for late payment and after the end of the month outgoing calls will be blocked. If a bill remains unpaid for 3 months the phone will be disconnected.
  • A statement listing all long distance calls for a given time period may be obtained from the billing office for a small additional charge.


  • Properties may be equipped with either a well water supply or a city water supply. The owner of the property may be taxed by the city for well water.
  • If your water is supplied by the city, your home will be equipped with a meter and a meter card.
  • Meter readers from the city water supplier, Perusahaan Air Minum (PAM), will record information on the meter card each month. Always bring this card with you when paying your water bill.

Payment options

  • Payments for utility bills can be made in cash at designated centers, post offices and at many banks.
  • Another option is auto debit from your bank account or credit card.
  • It is also possible to use an ATM for making payments.
  • Many local banks also offer Phone Banking services for the payment of bills.
  • You can also pay bills online through Internet Banking.


Provided by: Colliers International
