#Indoindians Parenting Workshop: Five Love Languages of Children

The 5 love languages of children

Register today for Indoindians Parenting Workshop – The Five Love Languages of Children.

You may truly love your child

but unless they feel it, they will not feel loved !

Children need to feel loved to best succeed.  If parents and their children speak different love languages, parents’ display of love may get lost in translation – affecting the children’s attitude, behavior, and development.

Every child is born with an ‘Emotional Love Tank’ that needs to be filled with love. Much of the misbehavior of children is motivated by the cravings of an empty tank. Learn to speak the ‘love language’ that your child speaks to create positive behavior traits in your child.

This is a FREE workshop and seats are limited. Please register in our form below:

Date: Wednesday, 29th November

Time: 11am – 1pm, Registration from 10am onwards

Venue: Indoindians office, 307 Palma One, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950.  Google map here

Facilitator: Shareen Ratnani

Shareen RatnaniA passionate early childhood educator, parenting coach, teacher trainer, workshop presenter and a life-long learner

Co-founder & Director Kiddie Planet : A Montessori Plus Preschool
– Teacher Trainer
– Montessori Directress
– Parenting Workshop Presenter