Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Going Vegan?

Planning to go complete vegan...still confused?

Wishing all brothers and sisters are very Happy Bhai Dooj today! The festival season has been really vibrant and fun.

Join the Annakut Mahaotsav in Jakarta on 10th Nov and 26th Annual Balaji Bramotsavam Nov 22-24 at Pluit temple, Jakarta.

Chinmaya Family Jakarta presents four days Insightful talks in English by Swami Mitrananda from 21-24 Nov

Veganism has come a long way: once reserved for peace-loving hippies, interest in a totally animal-free diet is at an all-time high, with celebrities leading the charge. But before you jump on the no-meat-eggs-or-dairy bandwagon, learn more with this edition of our weekly newsletter.

Warm regards,

Indoindians Team

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