Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Happy Dusshera

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Happy Dusshera

The toughest battle one ever fights in life is the battle within the self and Dusshera celebrates this victory of good over evil, of knowledge over ignorance. Did you know that Ravan’s ten heads represents ten bad qualities of: Lust, Anger, Attachment, Greed, Pride, Jealousy, Selfishness, Injustice, Cruelty and, Ego?
Wishing you and your family happiness and prosperity. Happy Vijaya Dashami!

Support and contribute to Palu Relief with India Club’s 5K run on Sunday, 21st Oct. More details here >>

Our newsletter in addition to lots of interesting articles, also features media reports on Miss & Mrs Internations and the Indoindians Art workshop held last week.

Warm regards,
IndoIndians Team

This weekly newsletter online here >>