Indoindians Weekly Newsletter, September 7, 2017


Subject: How to Achieve a State of Well-being

Our newsletter this week focuses on the #mental health issues. Read our tips on how to overcome #stress with top 25 easy, effective techniques.

#Anxiety disorder is one of the most common types of mental disorders. These are the #symptoms of anxiety disorder that you must be cautious of. Get help with #yoga poses that
will alleviate anxiety.

Other interesting articles are anxiety & #breathing exercises, causes, symptoms, therapies for #depression, and #meditation centers in Jakarta.

There is no health without #MentalHealth. Mental illness has a staggering impact on individuals as well as on society. That is why #PreventionIsKey. Donโ€™t hesitate to seek help and assistance when you experience the
symptoms of mental disorders.

Read the newsletter here.