Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Super Simple Being Green Ideas

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Super Simple Being Green Ideas

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Namaste friends, are you thinking green?

We are all experiencing the effects of global warming as climate change. It is for each one of us make Eco-friendly choices and actions to make a difference.
As beautifully said by Katherine Hannigan ‘We don’t own the earth. We are the earth’s caretakers…we take care of it and all the things on it. And when we’re done with it, it should be left better than we found it.
Being green does not have to be a difficult. Our newsletter this week is on simple tips, recycling and being Eco-friendly in daily life such as travelling, wrapping gifts and more.
If you are in interested in participating as a vendor at the Indoindians Bazaar on 11th Oct at Hotel Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta – Register here >>
Raksha Bandhan is on Thursday, 15th August 2019. Send rakhi and tikka along with mithai to your brothers in India and Indonesia through Indoindians Giftshop, today!
Warm green regards,
Indoindians Team