Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: What’s New On Indoindians

inaugration of charity art event 2019
inaugration of charity art event 2019

Namaste ,

We are still buzzing from our Charity Art Event last Sunday, 21st April. It was so gratifying that all of us could contribute to educating underprivileged special needs children at Saraswati Learning Center. Three cheers to all who collaborated and supported to make this event a huge success:

  • Indoindians Artists who were the backbone of this event.
  • Queens Restaurant for all the food and drinks throughout the event.
  • Intiland for providing the space at 1Park Avenue
  • Loreal for the goody bags for artists
  • SLC for the solid support
  • Deborah Iskander as our auctioneer.
  • Rakesh Jain for being our auditor of the auction and Shilpa Dhoka
  • Mrs & Mr KK Agarwal, HE Rudrendra Tandon, Ibu Dewi Motik, Stella Maris & Ayla
  • All family, friends and children who participated in the painting competition.

Event report, photographs and videos here >>

Send us an email if you would like to collaborate on our future events to

Reminder: May 12 is Mother’s Daya day to celebrate your MIP (Most Important Person). Send gifts to over 300 cities across India and in Jakarta through Indoindians Giftshop. Order today!

Many fun upcoming events include Sangamam and Khaugali. Details online here >>

Together we can do more! Warm regards,

Indoindians Team

Newsletter online here>>