Indoindians Workshop: Take better photographs with Rajbir Alhuwalia


Photography 101: Introduction to photography and better image making with smartphones, point & shoot and DSLR cameras.

Rajbir Alhuwalia will be sharing her expertise on how each of us can take better photographs with any camera. It’s FREE!

Date | Time: Thursday, 9th Nov. 11 am – 1 pm

Venue: Indoindians Office, 307 Palma One, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950.  Google map here

Register with Utin at +6221-5228775 or online below:

The workshop will include:

  1. Brief history of image making
  2. The camera and gear: Different types of cameras and how they work, lenses, tripods and filters
  3. Principles of image making: The Exposure Triangle explained and camera modes
  4. Understanding light: Direction and color
  5. Making better images: Composition techniques and color
  6. Portrait and Landscape photography techniques
  7. Understanding editing and use of preset filters
  8. Bring your own photos for a critique

Rajbir AhluwaliaAbout Rajbir Alhuwalia

Rajbir Ahluwalia, a textile designer by training, is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her love affair with photography started 10 years ago when she volunteered to capture sport, theater and music events at her children’s school, and received official recognition from the school for her camera work. With both boys grown up and away from home, Rajbir focuses exclusively on cultivating her skills through teaming up with local photographers and bringing her unique perspective to make images of gorgeous landscapes, people and exotic events.