Indonesian Proverbs and Sayings


There are many ways of learning Bahasa Indonesia. But, the fastest way to master this language is to practice it in daily conversations. Well, in daily conversation usually Indonesian will use a lot of slang words, while in documents, news, letters, literature, and other writings, standard formal Bahasa Indonesia will be used. Proverbs and sayings are also widely used in those pieces.

Here are some proverbs and sayings in Bahasa Indonesia that will help you to understand something you read or hear more, and of course help you to learn Bahasa Indonesia:

Proverbs or sayingsLiteral meaningMeaning
Nasi sudah menjadi buburThe rice has become porridgeWhat’s done is done
Ada udang di balik batuA shrimp hides behind the stoneThere is hidden agenda/hidden intention (usually negative intention) behind something or someone’s activity
Rumput tetangga selalu lebih hijauThe neighbor’s grass is always greener than oursWhat people have always appears better/more/bigger than ours
Sambil menyelam minum airDrinking water while diving Multitasking, doing more than one thing at the same time
Bertepuk sebelah tanganTo clap with only one handThe feeling/attraction/agreement is one-sided (usually used for a love interest, or in business environment when striking a deal)
Seperti/bagai telur di ujung tandukLike an egg on the tip of a hornIn a dangerous, tense, critical situation
 Otak di dengkul Brain on the knees Someone is so dumb
 Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya Empty can sounds the loudest People who don’t have knowledge (or the dumbest) speak the loudest
 Lempar batu sembunyi tangan The hand that throws the stone is hidden Blame someone or make them responsible for a problem you should deal with
 Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh juga No matter how smart a squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall Even the wisest and most competent man makes mistakes / no matter how hard one does something (unfairly or underhandedly), people will know eventually
 Sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga Fell and struck down by a ladder Experience something unlucky more than once in a short period of time / make a difficult situation even worse for someone
 Besar pasak daripada tiang The peg is bigger than the pole Expenditure is way bigger than the income
 Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya The fruit falls near the tree Son’s or daughter’s nature resembles their parents
 Berakit ke hulu, berenang ke tepian Rafting to the headwaters, swimming to the riversides No pain no gain; in order to achieve something great, suffering is necessary
 Kacang lupa kulitnya Peanut forgets its shell Someone who forgets or doesn’t want to acknowledge his family/friends once he becomes successful
 Air tenang menghanyutkan Still water can sweep you away a calm deamenor may hide a lot of knowledge
Dikasih/diberi hati, minta jantungGet the liver but still ask for the heartRefers to situation when someone becomes generous to someone but then he demands even more
 Tak ada gading yang tak retak There is always imperfect tusk Usually used in the end of the speech or text, means the works/speech/text is imperfect and still needs some improvements
 Ada asap ada api If there is smoke, there must be the fire No effect without some cause
 Karena nila setitik, rusak susu sebelanga With only a drop of poison, a pot of milk is damaged Because only a small mistake, all the efforts are wasted
 Bagai pungguk merindukan bulan Like an owl missing/yearning for the moon To wish for something impossible
 Bagai pinang dibelah dua Like a betel nut split in half Identical, very similar
 Bagai air di daun talas As the water is on the taro leaf Describes a volatile person who can’t be trusted or wishy-washy
 Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari A teacher pees standing up, and pupils pee on the run If the teacher (this can refers to parents, teacher, role models) is bad, the youngsters or the followers are worse
 Mulutmu harimaumu Your mouth is your tigerControl every word you say because words are reflection of yourself
 Tak ada rotan akar pun jadi If there is no rattan, roots can be used If you can’t find the things you need, use something else