Is Almond Milk Really Worth Drinking?

Is Almond Milk Really Worth Drinking?

Although almond is rich in calcium, vitamin E and folic acid, is almond milk worth drinking?

Just like soybean milk, almond milk has been widely consumed as an alternative from cow’s milk. It’s free from lactose and casein (protein in cow’s milk), which are the sources of allergens for some people.

While almond milk is becoming more and more popular, it’s important to note that it doesn’t provide as much calcium or protein to be a complete substitute of cow’s milk. One cup of almond milk only has one gram of protein versus 8 grams in cow’s milk, and 2 milligrams of calcium versus 300 milligrams in cow’s milk.

Although it cannot be a complete substitute for cow’s milk, you can still reap the benefits from almond milk. Just make sure that the milk contains the least amount of preservatives and other additives to maximize these benefits:

Weight Management

Because it contains less fat and calories, almond milk is a great substitute that will help you lose or maintain your current weight. One cup of almond milk contains only 60 calories, versus 146 calories in whole milk.

Prevent blood pressure

It is common fact that almond is a good friend to your heart. There’s no cholesterol or saturated fat in almond milk. It is also high in healthy fats and low in sodium, which helps to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.

It doesn’t need to be chilled

Almond milk doesn’t need to be chilled before you consumed it. So, it is more practical if you want to bring your almond milk to the office or your trip. Its quality doesn’t change a bit in room temperature.

Glowing skin

Almond milk contains 50 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E, which contains antioxidant properties essentials to your skin’s health. It also will protect your skin against skin damage.

Keep your blood sugar stable

Without additives, almond milk is low in carbohydrates. It means that almond milk won’t significantly increase your blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of diabetes.

Healthy bones

While it doesn’t offer as much calcium as cow’s milk, almond milk has 30 percent of the recommended daily amount of calcium, as well as 25 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin D. This will reduce the risk of arthritis, osteoporosis and improving your immune function.

Strong muscle

Almond milk contains a plenty of B vitamins such as iron and riboflavin, both are important for muscle growth and healing.

Healthy digestion

Almond milk contains almost one gram of fiber per serving, which is important for healthy digestion.

It’s delicious

For those who are turned off by the taste of cow’s milk, almond milk is a perfect alternative. The nutty, creamy flavor of the milk can substitute cow milk in any food.

Although the hype of almond milk has not been to huge, but you can find this milk easily here. You can find your favorite almond milk at Colby’s Farm  or Drink Dama in Jakarta.

So, it is really worth drinking, isn’t it?