Life Lessons We Learn From Kintsugi

Life Lessons We Learn From Kintsugi

Whenever we get hurt, we get mentally scarred for life as we continuously remember those moments. But it doesn’t have to be that, if we apply the Japanese philosophy – Kintsugi.

What is Kintsugi?

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery pieces back together with gold. It is built on the idea that embracing flaws and imperfections will make an even stronger and more beautiful piece of art. Every crack on the art form is unique and instead of repairing a broken item, the 400-year-old technique actually highlights the scars as a part of the design.

Nowadays, Kintsugi is not only seen as a pottery art form but also as a metaphor on healing ourselves. In the process of repairing things that are broken (or our mental state), we are actually creating something more unique, beautiful and resilient.

So whatever you might be going through, Kintsugi can be seen as a way to reframe negative and difficult situations and remind yourself that you’re not a victim of your circumstances. As a result, you come out the other side stronger.

Life Lessons From Kintsugi

  1. It Teaches You to Be Kind to Yourself

Even with all the cracks, crooks and crannies, the spirit of kintsugi is also about forgiving yourself. It’s a practice of self-love. Accepting every crack you have in your spirit and personality means being accepting and loving toward yourself. Remember, forgiving yourself is important as you need to forgive yourself first before you are capable of forgiving another.

As you work toward this, you’ll see that the most beautiful, meaningful parts of yourself are parts that have been broken, mended, and healed.

  1. It Marks Your Progress

Whatever tribunals you’ve been through, Kintsugi shows us the lessons and reveals the truth. Yes, the struggle, the pain, the trials and tribulations were unpleasant to go through but all of life’s hurt can be mended through golden repair.

We can’t change our past and the only way can move on is to change our mindset about our past. As a result, we come out of the struggles as a much more beautiful and refined version of ourselves. Your kintsugi cracks become gold by doing the work.

  1. It Promotes a Learning Mindset

One of the keys to kintsugi is learning, and we never stop learning. Whenever you find yourself with a tough heart, teach yourself the art of kintsugi by speaking these soft words, “You have much to learn.” Practicing Japanese wellness is not easy as you must approach it with an open and honest heart. Be committed to these practices and to continuously improving every day. All it takes is openness, and you can learn.

  1. It Reminds You That Imperfections Are Golden

As much as you have pain and fear residing in your heart along with all the struggles you’ve been through, it has changed you for the better. If you could see your heart, you would see there are golden cracks all over it. These cracks are all unique, with some running deep, some still being sealed and many future tribulations to come. All the while, your heart looks very much the same. Kintsugi is a way of saying that “nobody’s perfect.” Your hardest challenges, deepest wounds, and greatest fears are actually among the most beautiful, precious, and admirable parts of you.

What do you think of this kintsugi way of life? Share with us your opinion in the comment section below!