SHEELA SANJEEVI – positivity and emotional well-being


    SHEELA SANJEEVI - positivity and emotional well-beingS-O-S: STRATEGY OF SUCCESS – Living a life of well-being and success
    Interviews with people who have been successful in any aspect of their life and are willing to share their stories and tips on how they did it. This includes business owners, coaches, speakers, authors, self-growth or self-help gurus, domain experts and more.

    Sheela is a facilitator coach. She facilitates group learning processes that help people nurture positivity and emotional well-being in and around themselves. 30+ years in the field of education, both in the academic and in the corporate sectors.

    With over 30 plus years in the field of education, Sheela has interacted with both children and adults and developed proprietary learning and facilitation processes. For the last 10 years, she has pioneered a Leadership Learning Company in India and built the business into a flourishing, credible entity. During this tenure, she has reached out to a multitude of industries and people profiles. She has developed multiple big accounts where she has worked with over 1000 people in each organization.

    She has interacted with both Senior Leadership Teams and Frontline Employees which has helped her understand the nuances of adult learning. Facilitated over 150 groups of a mix of such profiles and delivered the process in multiple languages.

    A happy and friendly person, Sheela connects to the goodness of people around her. Influencing and inspiring participants to feel at ease is one of her unique abilities. She believes with conviction that change is a constant and that every day is a new learning experience which helps one grow and evolve.