5 Steps to to Self-Isolate Due to COVID-19

5 Steps to to Self-Isolate Due to COVID-19

With ICUs currently being filled out all over Jakarta (and increasingly on other islands), people with minimal to no COVID-19 symptoms are recommended to stay home and self-isolate. Only those with heavy symptoms are advised to head over to the hospital, while others take care of themselves at their own homes. Yet you also need to be careful, for you might infect your loves ones who are close by.

Here are tips to self-isolate on your homes:

Separate yourself

Even though you are at home, you will need to be careful if you live with other people. Prepare your living quarters by using separate bedrooms and bathrooms. Not only that, but also separate all your personal belongings to ones who are not infected such as utensils, dishes, cups/glasses, bedding, towels, toothbrush, and other personal items. If you decide to roam the house for some reason, always remember to wear a mask lest you infect others with COVID-19.

Disinfect items

You may be tempted to ask someone else to clean up after you, but it would be better that you will be the one to do it. Hygiene is an especially important aspect to practice especially if you are infected with the virus as there is a high chance that you can infect others. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces like a doorknob, phone, remote controls, tabletops, countertops, keyboards, tablets, counters, and others. Protect others by frequently washing your hands with soap or using hand sanitizer after coughing, sneezing, using the bathroom, and before and after eating.

Contact Healthcare

Health care is one of the aspect that you need to take care of. But do not worry too much on the healthcare aspect, for the government helps you out in this. After getting the positive result from PCR test, the clinics and hospitals in which you attend the test will inform the nearest government’s public health center using your personal ID card. Afterwards, public health center will reach out to you and check your conditions, monitor your house as well as checking if you’re doing self-isolation right. Other than that, they can offer and give some prescriptions for vitamins, some immune boosters and medicines. Contact numbers will be given and they will also assist you if your condition worsens.


As you will mainly go through this alone with no one to check up on you (other than health facilitators who will check up on you if your condition worsens), you will need to self-monitor your progress. It is suggested that patients need to do daily easy check-up twice a day. Some things you need to monitor include your temperature and possible additional symptoms like if you’re beginning to cough or have shortness of breath. Oxygen levels are another aspect you should watch out for, so you can go ahead and buy pulse oximeter. If you do begin experiencing symptoms, contact your health care provider or use telemedicine to seek guidance from home.

Boost Immunity

Finally, you should take steps to strengthen your immune system. First, get some rest and have a good sleep. Sleep in a dark room, keep a regular bedtime and wake-up routine. Taking a nap when you feel like it can also help. Second, eat healthy food and maintain hydration levels for your body. Third, strengthen your immune system by taking in body fuel in the form of multi-vitamins. Fourth, bask in the sun and soaking it all up on the terrace or the roof while maintaining your mask on. This is how you will get Vitamin D for your immune system.

Are there any of the tips that you have practiced? Write down your experience in the comments section below!