4 Types of COVID-19 Tests and Where to Get Tested in Jakarta


Coronavirus is a health risk that has plagued the world all around. For that reason, many health institutions are working around the clock in order to find ways to diagnose and treat it. Diagnosing it is also an important process other than treating it, for it prevents the virus from spreading even further. As time has gone by, so has the technology of diagnosing COVID-19.

Here are the 4 different ways to diagnose the corona virus.

Also known as… Diagnostic test, viral test, Rapid diagnostic test* Serological test, serology, molecular test, nucleic acid blood test, serology test amplification tests (NAAT), RT-PCR tests Rapid diagnostic test Serological test, serology, blood test, serology test Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay
How the sample is taken… Nasal or throat swab (most tests)

Saliva (a few tests)

Nasal or throat swab Finger stick or blood draw Blood draw
How long it takes to get results… Same day (some locations)

or up to a week

One hour or less Same day (many locations)

or 1-3 days

One to two hours for 200 samples
Is another test needed… This test is typically highly accurate and usually does not need to be repeated. Positive results are usually highly accurate but negative results may need to be confirmed with a molecular test. Sometimes a second antibody test is needed for accurate results. This test is typically highly accurate and usually does not need to be repeated.
What it shows… Diagnoses active coronavirus infection Diagnoses active coronavirus infection Shows if you’ve been infected by coronavirus in the past This test uses blood sample to determine if a patient has been exposed to the virus and if they have developed antibodies against it.
What it can’t do… Show if you ever had COVID-19 or were infected with the coronavirus in the past Definitively rule out active coronavirus infection. Antigen tests are more likely to miss an active coronavirus infection compared to molecular tests. Your health care provider may order a molecular test if your antigen test shows a negative result but you have symptoms of COVID-19. Diagnose active coronavirus infection at the time of the test or show that you do not have COVID-19


Where to go for testing:

  1. Siloam Hospital

Address: Jl. Siloam No. 6, Lippo Karawaci 1600 Tangerang 15811, Indonesia
Phone:  021 – 80646900
Open everyday from 8am to 6pm including holidays
-Rapid Test
Pre-appointment required
Price : Rp. 199.000
Result : 1 hour

  1. Atma Jaya Hospital – Pluit

Address: Jl. Pluit Raya No.2, RT.21/RW.8, Penjaringan, Kec. Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14440
Phone: +62-216606127
Whatsapp: +62-85779393336
-ECLIA method:
Open daily from Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm
After 4pm to 8am test will be done in Emergency ward (IGD) with additional fee of Rp. 150.000
Pre-appointment required.
Price :  Rp. 350.000 ( 8am to 4pm)   or  Rp. 500.000 (4pm to 8am)
Result : 1 hour
-Swab Test:
Open daily from Monday to Saturday 8am to 4pm
Price :  Rp. 2.500.000 (8am to 12pm)
Result : same day

  1. Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading
Address: Jl. Raya Gading Kirana No.Kav.2, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240

Phone: +62-2145852700
Pre-appointment required.
Open from Monday to Friday at 9am to 7pm and Saturday from 9am to 6pm
-Bronze: consultation with doctor, rapid test and administration
Price: Rp. 475.000
-Silver: consultation with doctor, blood test, chest x-ray and administration
Price: Rp. 500.000
-Gold: consultation with doctor, blood test, chest x-ray, rapid test and administration
Price: Rp. 900.000
-Platinum: consultation with doctor, blood test, chest x-ray, rapid test, Thorax CT Scan and administration
Price: Rp. 2.500.000
-PCR (throat and nasofaring swab test), consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 1.700.000 (results in 5 days)

  1. Rumah Sakit Puri Medika

Address: Jalan Sungai Bambu Raya No.5, RT.4/RW.9, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara.
Phone: +62-2143903355
Open everyday for 24 hours
Results: within 1 hour
-Rapid Test with pulmonologist
Price: Rp. 695.000
-Rapid Test with general physician
Price: Rp. 425.000

  1. Rumah Sakit Firdaus

Address: Komplek Bea Cukai, Jalan Siak No.14, RT.10/RW.7, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara
Phone: +62-214400077
Open everyday for 24 hours
Results: within 1 hour
-Rapid test and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 360.000
-Rapid test, blood test and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 450.000
-Blood test, CRT test, consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 550.000
-Rapid test, blood test, CRT test, chest x-ray and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 500.000

  1. Rumah Sakit Sukmul Sisma Medika

Address: Jalan Tenggiri No.18, RT.5/RW.8, Koja, Jakarta Utara.
Phone: +62-214301269
Open everyday from 8am to 2pm except Saturdays from 8am to 1pm
Results: within 1 hour
-Rapid test, lab test and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 540.000

  1. Rumah Sakit Pantai Indah Kapuk

Address: Jalan Pantai Indah Utara 3, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara.
Phone: +62-215880911
Open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 7pm
-Rapid test (consult emergency physician first)
Price: Rp. 350.000
Results: within 2 hours
-Swab test (consult pulmonologist first)
Rp. 1.800.000
Results: within 3 days

  1. Rumah Sakit Duta Indah

Address: Jalan Teluk Gong Raya No.12, RT.5/RW.9, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara.
Phone: +62-2166676188
-Health report, rapid test, blood test, thorax x-ray and consulting with doctor
Price: Rp. 499.000
-Throat Swab Test
Price: Rp. 799.000

9. Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras
Address: Jalan Kyai Tapa No.1, RT.10/RW.10, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat.
Phone: +62-215682011
Open everyday from morning to afternoon (bring 2 photocopies of ID card)
Results of Rapid Test: within 1 hour
Results of swab test: 3 days (pre-appointment needed)
-Silver: consultation with doctor, thorax c-ray, blood test, diff count
Price: Rp. 475.000
-Gold: blood test, diff count, CRP, thorax x-ray, rapid test and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 875.000
-Platinum: blood test, CRP, rapid test, diff count, thorax CT scan and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 3.000.000

10. Rumah Sakit Grha Kedoya

Address: Jalan Panjang Arteri No.26, RT.15/RW.7, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat.
Phone: +62-2129910999
-PCR Test
Price: Rp. 1.800.000
-Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 389.000
-Rapid Test, chest x-ray, blood test and consultation with doctor
Price: Rp. 599.000
-Rapid test, consultation with doctor, EKG, chest x-ray, color blind test, blood test, kreatinin, SGPT, HBsAG, urine test
Price: Rp. 920.000
11. Rumah Sakit Pelni
Address: Jalan Ks. Tubun No.92 – 94, RT.13/RW.1, Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat.
Phone: +62-215306901
-Rapid Test Drive-Thru
Price: Rp. 330.000
-Paket A: Rapid test, consultation with doctor, health report
Price: Rp. 616.000
-Paket B: Rapid Test consultation with doctor, health report
Price: Rp. 616.000
-Paket C: swab test drive thru
Price: Rp. 1.250.000
-Paket D: Swab Test, consultation with doctor, health report
Price: Rp. 536.000
12.  Rumah Sakit Bina Sehat Mandiri
Address: Jalan Duri Raya No.22, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat.
Phone: +62-215669412
Open from 8am to 8pm
-Rapid Test, blood test, thorax x-ray
Price: Rp. 760.000
13. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kembangan
Address: Jalan Topas Raya Blok FII No.03, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat.
Phone: +62-215870834
Open from 7am to 1pm
-Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 300.000
-Rapid Test, Blood Test and thorax x-ray
Price: Rp. 460.000
14. Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina

Address: Jl. Kyai Maja No.43, Gunung, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12120

Phone: +62-217219000
Services offered Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm and Saturdays from 8am to 12pm
Rapid Test Results: 1 hour
Swab Test Results: 1 day
-Rapid Test (bring your own test)
Price: Rp. 75.000
-Rapid Test IgG & IgM
Price: Rp. 375.000
-Rapid Test Immunoglobulin
Price: Rp. 350.000
-Rapid Test Swab & PCR
Price: Rp. 2.500.000
-Bronze: General Practitioner, blood test, CRP, sampling, Thorax x-ray, Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 1.750.000
-Silver: General Practitioner, blood test, CRP, sampling, Thorax x-ray, PCR, VTM
Price: Rp. 2.950.000
-Gold: medical specialist, general practitioner, blood test, CRP, sampling, Thorax x-ray, Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 3.950.000
-Platinum: medical specialist, general practitioner, blood test, CRP, sampling, Thorax x-ray, PCR, VTM
Price: Rp. 3.350.000
-Diamond: medical specialist, general practitioner, blood test, CRP, sampling, Thorax x-ray, PCR, VTM, rapid test
Price: Rp. 5.500.000
15. Rumah Sakit St. Carolus
Address: Jalan Salemba Raya No.41, RT.3/RW.5, Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat.
Phone: +62-213904441
Rapid Test Results: 3 hours
Swab Test Results: 3-7 Days
Open Monday to Friday from 8am to 7pm and Saturday from 8am to 4pm
-Early screening, rapid test and consultation with general practitioner
Price: Rp. 465.000
16. Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta
Address: Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah I No.1, RT.11/RW.5, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat.
Phone: +62-214250451
-Silver: consult with doctor, rapid testing
Price: Rp. 560.000
-Gold: consult with doctor, thorax x-ray, blood test, CRP, rapid test
Price: Rp. 1.050.000
-Platinum: consult with doctor, swab test PCR
Price: Rp 2.299.000
-Diamond: consult with doctor, thorax x-ray, blood test, CRP, Swab test PCR, consult with internist doctor or pulmonologist
Price: Rp. 2.750.000
17. Rumah Sakit Abdi Waluyo
Address: Jalan HOS. Cokroaminoto No.31-33, RT.1/RW.3, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.

Phone: +62-213144989

Open everyday, all hours.
Rapid Test Result: few minutes
Swab Test Results: 2-5 days
-Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 500.000
-PCR Swab
Price: Rp. 2.500.000
-Basic A: Physical exam, rapid test, chest x-ray, medical certificate
Price: Rp. 1.500.000
-Basic B: Physical Exam, PCR swab, chest x-ray, medical certificate
Price: Rp. 3.500.000
18. Rumah Sakit Menteng Mitra Afia
Alamat: Jalan Kali Pasir No.9, RT.14/RW.10, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.
Telepon: +62-213154050
Open weekdays from 8am to 8pm and appointments on Saturdays
Rapid Testing Results: 2 hours
Swab Testing Results: 3 days
-Basic: Physical Exam, Epidemiology examination, IgG/IgM rapid test (Offers Home Visit Min. 10 people)
Price: Rp. 450.000
-Deluxe: Physical Exam, Epidemiology examination, IgG/IgM rapid test, blood test (Offers Home Visit Min. 10 people)
Price: Rp. 600.000
-Bronze: Physical Exam, Epidemiology examination, PCR Swab (Home visit min. 3 people)
Price: Rp. 2.750.000
-Silver: Physical Exam, Epidemiology examination, PCR Swab, blood test, C-reactive Protein
-Gold: Physical Exam, Epidemiology examination, PCR Swab, blood test, C-reactive Protein, thorax x-ray (Does not Offer Home Visits)
Price: Rp. 3.250.000
19. Rumah Sakit PGI Cikini
Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No.40, RT.12/RW.2, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.
Phone: +62-2138997777
Open everyday from 7am to 12pm.
-Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 800.000
Results: within 2 hour (needs photocopy of ID card and medical certificate)
-Swab Test
Price: Rp. 1.750.000 (needs photocopy of ID card and medical certificate)
Results: 3 days
Price: Rp. 2.050.000
Result 2 days
20. Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia

Address: Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok City, West Java 16424

Open Monday to Friday at 9am to 12pm and Saturday from 9am to 11am
Phone: +62-2150829292
-Rapid Test (Free)
Terms and Conditions: identity card (proof that you live in depok) or letter of statement, have symptoms of COVID-19 or has reference from other hospitals or community health centers (puskesmas)
Results: 1 day
-Swab Test
Price: Rp. 1.675.000
Results: 3 days
21. Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah
Address: Jl. Metro Duta Kav. UE, RT.4/RW.14, Pondok Indah, Kec. Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12310
Phone: +62-217657525
-Rapid Test
Price: Rp. 480.000
Results: 2 hours
Open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 1pm
-Basic Screening, Advance Screening, Comprehensive Screening
Price: 1.900.000 – Rp 5.750.000.
-Swab Test
Price: Rp. 2.600.000
Results: 1-3 days
Open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 11pm
22. RSPAD Gatot Subroto
Address: Jl. Abdul Rahman Saleh Raya No.24, RW.5, Senen, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10410
Phone: +62-213441008
Open Monday to Friday at 7am to 12pm
Results: 1 day
-Test Rapid
Price: Rp 550.000
-Test Swab
Price: Rp 1.900.000
23. RS Bunda Menteng
Address: Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No.28, RT.9/RW.2, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Phone: 1-500-799
Open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 4pm
-Rapid Testing
Price: Rp. 350.000
Results: 1 hour
-Swab Test (with appointment)
Price: Rp. 2.000.000
Results: 3 days
24. RS Yadika Pondok Bambu
Address: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No.47, RT.4/RW.5, Pd. Bambu, Kec. Duren Sawit, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13430
Phone: +62-218615754
Price: Rp. 738.599
-paket Utama
Price: Rp. 1.318.000
25. RS Islam Jakarta Pondok Kopi
Address: Jl. Raya pondok kopi, Jakarta Timur – Indonesia 13460
-Rapid Testing
Open everyday for 24 hours
Results: 1 hour 30 minutes
-Swab testing
Open everyday, from 8am to 7pm
Results: 3-5 days
-Bronze: consultation with doctor, rapid test, consultation with pulmonologist
Price: 490.000
-Silver: consultation with doctor, rapid test, consultation with pulmonologist, blood test, thorax x-ray
Price: Rp. 660.000
-Gold: consultation with doctor, rapid test, consultation with pulmonologist, blood test, thorax x-ray, CRP
Price: Rp. 2.350.000
-Platinum: consultation with doctor, consultation with pulmonologist, blood test, thorax CT-Scan, CRP, Swab test
Price: Rp 3.905.000
26. RSUP Persahabatan

Address: Jl. Persahabatan Raya No.1, Pisangan Tim., Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13230
Phone: +62-214891708

Open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 12 pm

-Rapid Test
Price: Rp.450.000
-Swab Test (needs rapid test results and letter of reference from doctor)
Price: Free