7 Dental Health Tips for Older Adults

7 Dental Tips for Senior Adults

Everybody at all ages needs a good dental health. Regular visit to the dentist is not enough—the most important thing is we need to start everything from our habits and lifestyle. For older adults, managing dental health is more important because dental problem also can lead to other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Here are 7 simple dental tips for seniors:

  1. Reduce sugary foods and drinks

It’s common sense that sugary foods can cause tooth decay. You need to reduce your sugary foods, especially between meals. If sugary food is your favorite, make sure that you eat it at meal times to reduce the chance of decay. Tooth decay is more likely to occur in older adults, so make sure you pay extra attention to this one.

  1. Switch to healthy food

Not only for your oral health, healthy food also contributes to your general health. Leave fried and junk food now and switch to healthier food such as fruit, vegetables, grains and cereals, lean meat, fish, and/or eggs. Don’t forget to balance it with 2 liters water a day.

  1. Chew sugar-free gum

Sugar-free chewing gum can be a part of your oral hygiene routine. Clinical studies have shown that chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes a day after meals can help prevent tooth decay. Ask your dentist if chewing gum is a right choice for you.

  1. Brush your teeth along with the gum line twice a day

Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bed. You can ask your dentist for toothpaste recommendation that is most suitable for your oral health.

  1. Use antibacterial mouthwash

After brushing your teeth, you can use antibacterial mouthwash. Antibacterial mouthwash can reduce the buildup of plaque. Your dentist might have certain recommendation for the brand you can use.

  1. Quit smoking

Tobacco, in any form, has negative impact to our health in general. Tobacco also has been linked to the increased risk of mouth and throat cancer. If you’re a smoker, then you need to stop to reduce the risk of bad oral health caused by smoking.

  1. Visit your dentist regularly

It’s important to inform your dentist about your oral health. Dental professionals are equipped to help you deal with the effects of aging in your dental health. Older adult with diseases such as diabetes might need special care because this disease can contribute to gum problems and loose teeth.