7 Things to Do During the Last Week of the Year

playing board game monopoly

In the over-scheduled world we live in, there are not may weeks when it’s acceptable to just relax and have a coffee whenever we please! We need to make the most of this time!

It certainly feels good to start the new year as renewed and refreshed as we can! Here are a few of the things to do during the last week of the year – between Christmas and New Year – to make the most of the holiday season.

7 Things to Do During the Last Week of the Year:

  1. Take One Whole Day Off
    Make it a Self-Treat Day. Stay in your pajamas all day, with several naps, some reading, maybe watch a movie, and of course, heating up leftovers. It’s glorious and something we all really need. Look forward to this day all year. 🙂
  2. Read a book
    6 Activites You Can Do During Nyepi: Reading a BookA lot of people say they don’t read as much as they used to. This little thing called “the internet” seems to cut into a lot of people’s reading time. If you have a stack of good books in your room at all times just calling your name, just need to commit time to reading again. This last week is a perfect time to shut down the technology and social media and get lost in a good book. What is on your TBR list?
  3. Host a Games Night
    Holidays are the perfect time to get a new Board. Spend an evening playing a Board Game with friends and families making memories of the laughter and fun times. This week is the perfect time to invite friends over for a games night or just have one at home with your own family. Games nights are a lot of fun!
  4. Watch a Movie…or a Series
    There is usually have a bit more time to binge-watch something, or catch a movie we have been wanting to see at the end of the year. 😉
  5. Have friends over for Coffee and Muffins
    Most Holiday invitations are for night-time events, how about having some friends over for a Holiday Coffee? Just a very casual morning get together and chance to share some Holiday stories, new year plans, etc. Make a bowl of Fruit Salad, a batch of muffins and a throw some oranges in a bowl. The big events are done…. events during this last week should feel easy and relaxing.
  6. Work on a Puzzle
    There’s something about setting up a puzzle on a table and just leaving it out over the Holidays…. You’ll be surprised which family members might sit and join you or work on it sometimes. Working on a puzzle can be meditative and relaxing.
  7. Start a New Years Goals List
    This one might feel a bit more like work, but working on a New Years goals list, can be sort of relaxing. Talk with your spouse and family about the upcoming year and any big events, house projects, etc that you would like to see happen. Break some of those goals into months, and see how you do. A new year definitely feels like a fresh start and knowing what goals or plans you are working towards, is helpful.

7 Tips to Achieve Your Career Goals: Write down your goalsMake the last week of the year extra special and memorable. What do you plan to do???