7 Useful Life Hacks to Try

7 Useful Life Hacks to Try

Life hacks are tips and tricks to solve life’s problems to make your life easier and more efficient. As time goes by, the internet has more and more creative hacks to cutting corners and making your life hassle-free. Although some tips may seem more ridiculous than others, some can actually be useful to be used on your daily lives.

Here are 7 useful life hacks:

Remove Your Phone While Concentrating on Work 

If you frequently work with a laptop and constantly check your smartphone (which hinders your productivity), you should try putting your phone behind your laptop. This will make you more focused on the work in your laptop. Even if you do remember your smartphone, you will be much less inclined to take it as it’s far away.


Confused on what to give your friend because you fear they won’t like your gift? The trick is to ask the right question. Just casually ask what gift they think you will be giving, then let them guess what gift you have prepared for them. When they have guessed the item, the first guess is the gift you should be getting for your friend.

Remove Bad Breath

Do you have bad breath? What would you usually do when you have bad breath? Brushing your teeth may seem like the correct answer, but that is also not where you should specifically clean in your mouth. Instead, it would be better to clean up your tongue as that is where the bad odors emanate from.

Hiding Small Valuables in Dirty Laundry 

If you are worried about leaving your house empty during the vacations, then this is the trick to use. Instead of putting all your small valuables into a safe deposit box, it would be safer to put it into your dirty laundry basket, which is less likely to be noticed by burglars in case they do enter your home during the holidays.

Color-Code Your Keys

When you take an ample time to just simply choose your keys, this trick will be useful for you. What you can do to save time and energy is mark your keys carefully. Using colorful nail polish to color code your keys will help you immensely. Color the keys according to their functions, so that you won’t be confused on the use of each key.

Freezing Ground Meat

You usually don’t pay attention when putting ground meat into the freezer. Make defrosting much easier by putting the meat into a Ziploc bag and freezing it flat. The reason why it should be frozen flat, is that it evens out the heat and therefore minimizes time for thawing.

Messy Cables

Messy cables are not an issue with this trick at hand. All you need to prepare are large bulldog clips to organize the end of the cables. Simply clip the bulldog clips nearby where you charge all your electronic. Hook the ends onto the ends of the clip, and voila! The mess is cleared.

Have you used any of these life hacks? Which one seems to be the most useful? Tell us your answer in the comments section below.