Easy to Make Bird Feeder


Easy to Make Bird Feeder

Racikan Pakan Kenari

One of the perks of having a garden is to have beautiful wild animals roam your garden. Having birds in your garden is indeed a pleasure, for you will be able to hear hordes of it chirp in your background. Try this simple bird feeder to fill your garden with these delightful tiny creatures!

You will need :

  • one empty toilet paper roll
  • Jar of Peanut Butter
  • Wild Bird Seed

How to :

  1. Take the empty toilet paper roll and poke a hole in the top to put some string or craft wire through for hanging when done.
  2. Take peanut butter and spread evenly, but covering the roll well.
  3. Roll in loose bird seed. Hang out side where you can watch the birds enjoy their treat.
  4. This is a healthy winter treat for the birds, as the peanut butter helps them to stay warm.


Easy to Make Bird Feeder

You will need :

  • Mix 2 T Joy dishwashing soap with 1 C water.
  • The secret to tough bubbles is adding glycerin. (This is available at any drugstore …
    I promise. Its cheap too.)
Easy to Make Bird Feeder
  • Start by mixing in 1-2 t. Add more if you want super bubbles that can bounce.
  • Pipe cleaners can be bent into good bubble wands.
Easy to Make Bird Feeder
Pipe Cleaner


Corn Starch Goo

Easy to Make Bird Feeder(non-toxic and inexpensive, brushes away from fabric when dry)
Not a practical mixture at all, it just feels really cool….

  • Pour a half a box of corn starch into a shallow cake pan.
  • Slowly add water while your child stirs the mixture with her hands.
  • Add some food coloring if you like. This is just a toy.