Egg Shell Faces


Egg Shell Faces

Confused on what to bring for your child’s playdate? Your children will love making these adorable egg-shell faces. Guide the children to collect the following items :

  • Empty eggshells
  • Colored glaze paper
  • Scissors
  • Wool (black)
  • Glue
  • Brush
  • Sketch pens

Direction :

Take a large egg, make a hole on the top and carefully empty the yolk and albumen from inside. You can also take an empty thrown away eggshell.  Paint it with any light colour like cream, lemon yellow or peach and let it dry.

Face of a girl or a boy

Egg Shell Faces
Ladies Egg Shell

Paint two eyes with black, the nose with red and lips with pink. For the hair, take black paint or stick some strands of wool on the top of the forehead with the help of the glue. To denote a girl’s face, tie some strands of wool to make a plait and stick on both the sides of the face.


Face of a clown

Egg Shell Faces
Clown Egg Shell

Draw two eyes, a nose and a smiling face in the shape of a semicircle. (Remember to paint the nose red!). Cut a cone out of the glazed paper to make a cap and stick it on top of the head.


Extend the activity to other shapes
You can also draw faces of animals like a bunny, a bear, a cat or a mouse. Use your imagination to portray Santa Claus or other cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse. Let your child suggest some characters from real life.

Egg Shell Faces
Cartoon Egg Shell
Egg Shell Faces
Emotion Egg Shell