Field Trip Essentials

Field Trip Essentials

If your child is going for a field trip at school, here is An essential check-list for mums and dads: 

  • Check with the teacher beforehand about specific packing requirements. As your child will be carrying his/her own luggage pack only what is necessary.
  • Draw up a checklist of essential items to pack. Don’t forget to include camera and film, and a first-aid kit.
  • Attach full names and addresses on all luggage and personal items.
  • Find out exact meeting point and date of departure as the children will need to check in as a group.
  • Request for a contact number for emergencies and also give the accompanying teacher your contact number.
  • Sign the permission slip and make sure your child turned it in
  • Talk to your child to ensure they have your phone number and know where they’re going

Do inform the tour agent or teacher if your child has special dietary needs, such as  vegetarian meals