Happiness is the journey Enjoy it! A Guidebook to Happiness

Happiness is the journey Enjoy it! A Guidebook to Happiness

by Poonam Sagar: Carl Massy is a Happiness Strategist, living in Bali, who has combined 20 years of international strategic planning with over a decade of training, research and experience in the personal development and Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) fields. His two burning question have always been, ‘What can we do, or stop doing to, increase our happiness?’ and ‘What happiness strategies have the highest happiness return on investment?’

Carl has been a regular contributor to Indoindians.com with his Happiness tips and has recently published his book – The Guidebook to Happiness. This book is available at Periplus in Indonesia and also on Amazon. It is a guidebook to take you in the right direction with INFORMATIVE, INSIGHTFUL, FUN and prompt you to take specific ACTIONS towards your desired life.

I had the pleasure of doing a Skype interview with Carl on his book. We had planned it to be just 5 mins long but it was so much fun that we did spilled it over two parts of 5 mins each.

Part 1

Part 2

Some of the questions I asked Carl are as below.
1.    Why did you write The Guidebook to Happiness (TGTH)?
2.    What was the biggest thing you realized in your research?
3.    So can we change our level of set happiness? if so, how?
4.    You call yourself a happiness strategist. What does that mean?
5.    Do you have a favorite happiness strategy?
6.    Are you happy all the time?
7.    It seems beliefs are important, can you explain this better?
8.    Is it bad to have so called negative emotions?
9.    When and why did you get into personal development?
10.  You talk about the power of daily rituals. Can you expand on this?

Hope you enjoyed the Video. Look forward to your comments and feedback.

Download –> a sample of The Guidebook to Happiness