Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Be The Change

Mahatma Gandhi - Be the change


In a series of natural disasters, a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Palu and neighboring areas in Central Sulawesi last week. As per reports the destruction has been widespread with around 1400 dead, thousands hurt and displaced. Support the relief efforts by donation in cash or kind through these agencies, as shared by IndCham:
1. Indonesia Red Cross Society (Tel 021 799 2325
2. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (National Disaster Recovery Agency) (Tel 021 29827793
3. Pemerintah Sulawesi Tengah (Government of Central Sulawesi) (tel 0451 451311, 421844

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October festival calendar: The Hindu festive celebrations begin with Navratri from Oct 10th – 18th. Other festivals in October this year as below:
Oct 15th – 19th Durga Puja in Jakarta at Shiva Temple, Pluit.
Oct 18th Kongali Bihu
Oct 19th Dussehra
Oct 27th Karva Chauth
This is the buildup to the festival of light Deepavali on Nov 7th.

4th ‘What’s up Chef’ Cooking Demo & Tasting Event on Sat, 20th Oct 2018 at JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan from 11am onwards

Indoindians Art Workshop: Art Evaluation & Pricing with Deborah Iskander and Arti Gidwani on Friday, 12th Oct from 9.30am – 11.30am. To join, please contact Dias at +62 838-9876-7093

Warm regards,
Indoindians Team

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