Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day


It will soon be Valentine’s Day and people are having a good time with their lovers. If you’re single, maybe this will make you suffer. But darling, don’t be sad! You can make Valentine’s Day a reminder that you have to love yourself first before loving anybody else. Even if you’re in romantic relationship, self-love is also important to create a tighter bond with your partner. You have to keep in mind that you deserve the kind of love you would give to someone else.

Loving yourself doesn’t mean that you’re selfish. Loving yourself is a way to empower yourself. When you give love, respect, and take care of yourself, it is a sign that you love yourself. It’s not about doll yourself up to make better appearance, but it also includes how you build your personality to be better. If you succeed in loving yourself, you’ll soon find your other half who just reflects your bright, positive personality.

This is a checklist of what you have to do to love yourself:

Start your day with a smile

The first thing you need to do after getting up from bed is to look at yourself in the mirror and smile. Appreciate the fact that you’re a precious person who is going to have a very nice day. It will boost your mood make you happy all day long!

Feel good about yourself

It’s important to feel good about yourself. Make a list of your good traits and personality, and praise yourself. God has created you as a perfect human being for sure.

Prioritize your dreams and make effort to achieve them

You need to know what you really want to achieve. That way, you’ll find the path to achieve your dreams. Make small notes about every single thing you’ve done in your journey to success.

Be brave to say ‘no’

Only you know who you really are. Don’t let people around you put you down or trap you in a difficult situation. If something does not fit in your belief or principles, don’t be afraid to say ‘no’. It will save you time and your sanity!

Challenge yourself in new things

Life is a learning journey. Try the things you’ve always wanted to try and learn from that. It will enrich your knowledge and feed your mind with positive feelings!

Forgive yourself

Everybody makes mistakes. But it does not mean that you’re a total failure. Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes. It will make you a better person.

Have fun

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You may put your greatest effort to achieve your dreams, but you need a break from all those routines. Go to social activities, interact with new people, or play with kids can make you happy. Laying in the bed all day on weekend also counts, if you really need a break from the world around you.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Others’ grass is always greener than ours. But, we never know what kind of journey they’ve been through. You waste so much of your time if you still compare yourself to others. Just focus on yourself and be happy with life you’re living! You’ll realize how great your life is.

Be confident

You are precious person with lot of blessing. You know what you’re doing and show people that you are capable. Be confident to face every challenge in your life, because you are a capable person.

When you’re able to love yourself, you’ll stop focusing on negativity and live your life in more positive way. You also will start to beam with happiness, confidence, and peace. People will be drawn to you because your courageous and positive personalities are contagious. If you’re still single, your ideal lover will come to you because of your generosity. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll be able to build your relationship to be greater. When you love yourself, you’ll eventually have bigger space in your heart to love your significant others.

Get ready to fall in love with you, all over again. As Whitney Houston sang ‘Learning to love yourself, It is the greatest love of all’ Happy Valentine’s Day!

Fauziah Listyo Ayunani

by Fauziah Listyo Ayunani