Paper Bag


Paper BagWhat you need :

A sheet of card paper, double width of the bag you want to make plus twice the depth. The sheet should also be as wide as the height of your bag.

  • A ruler
  • A ballpoint pen that has run out of ink
  • A pair of scissors
  • A paper punch
  • A white craft glue like Fevicol
  • Thick cord or ribbon for the handles

How to make it

Scale the template provided to the size of the bag you wish to make. Place your pattern over the card paper, and using the dried-up ballpoint pen, score over the lines so that an impression is created on the card paper. Cut along the solid lines. Punch out the holes on the front and back panels (use a paper punch, rather than a pair of scissors, for stronger holes). Fold along the dotted lines.

Paper Bag
Paper Bag Template

Using craft glue, stick flap F to Side 1. Slide the points of flaps B and D under flap A. Slide the end of flap C under the opening in flap A. Thread cord or ribbon through the holes in the front panel and knot the ends so that they are held in place. Do the same with the back panel. You can paint or stencil a design onto the bags, use sequins, stickers or pressed flowers to make the bags more attractive.