Safety and Security Tips


Security Tips

With the crime rates in each country, you need to make effort to stay safe and secure. Whether it is in your home, for your children or staying safe when you are away from home, all of this takes extra consideration. But without these considerations, you are opening yourself to all kinds of security risks.


  • Restrict possession of house keys.
  • Ensure all entrances and windows are locked at all times.
  • Use your alarm, especially when you are at home.
  • Be alert to strangers; write down tag numbers of suspicious vehicles and if possible, a description of the occupant’s).
  • Treat with suspicion any inquiries regarding the whereabouts or activities of family members.
  • Be alert to public utility crews and other foreign nationals requesting access to your residence. Check their identities through your peephole before allowing entry.
  • Try not to draw attention to yourself.
  • When going out, travel in small groups.
  • Vary your movements as much as possible. Do not become predictable.


  • Never leave young children alone or unattended.
  • Instruct your children to keep doors and windows locked, and NEVER to admit strangers.
  • Show your children where to find emergency numbers.
  • If you must leave children at home alone, keep the house well lighted and notify your neighbor (if appropriate).
  • Advise your children never to leave home without telling parents where they are going, whom they are going with, and when they will return.
  • Advise children to refuse automobile rides from strangers and refuse to accompany strangers anywhere on foot -even if the stranger says that mom or dad sent them and said it was all right.
  • Children should report immediately to the nearest person of authority (teacher, police) anyone who attempts to approach them or who is suspicious.


  • Inform domestic employees regarding security responsibilities.
  • Instruct your domestic help as to which phone or other means of communication is to be used in an emergency situation.
  • Ensure domestic help knows where the emergency numbers are located.
  • Do not discuss sensitive topics within employee hearing.
  • Domestic help should be instructed not to give information about the family to any incoming caller, unless they are absolutely certain the caller is a friend of relative of the family. They should not identify the family, the address, or confirm the telephone number to unknown callers.


  • Leave house with a “lived-in” look.
  • Stop deliveries.
  • Do not leave notes on doors.
  • Do not hide keys outside.
  • Use a timer to turn lights on/off varying times and locations.
  • Leave a radio on.
  • Hide your valuables.


  • Answer the telephone only with “Hello” or the word “Hello” in the local language.
  • Do not give your name, family name or telephone number. If the caller asks for this information you should respond “whom are you trying to call” or “what number are you trying to reach”.
  • Do not converse with the caller. The more you say, the more likely it is that you will receive a follow-up call.
  • Use of telephone answering machine permits screening of incoming calls and can help eliminate nuisance calls. The recorded message should be generic and in a male voice. It should be devoid of humor or music.


  • Before leaving your home or office to get into your vehicle, check the surrounding area to determine if anything of a suspicious nature exists. Display the same alertness before exiting your vehicle.
  • Before entering your vehicle, check for suspicious objects on, in and under your vehicle. Look for smudge marks, especially near wheels wells. Look for hanging wires.
  • DO NOT touch suspicious objects.
  • Vary your routes. Most attacks take place near the victim’s residence because that part of the route is least easily varied. Do not always pull out of your driveway and drive in the same direction to a certain point then vary your route. One-day pull out of your driveway and drive left, the next day pull out and drive right.
  • Do not allow your vehicle to get boxed in. Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you. Given the traffic patterns in Indonesia this can be difficult. However, you should do the best you can.
  • Do not use the “express lane”. When you use the express lane, if something were to happen to one of the vehicles in front of you, you have no place to maneuver.
  • Be alert when driving. Always keep the doors and windows locked.
  • If while driving surveillance is suspected, do not stop or take action that could lead to confrontation. Try to get a description of the vehicle and occupants if possible. However, do not place yourself in danger to get this information. NEVER drive home, drive to nearest safe haven (Embassy, Police Station) and report to your Embassy.
  • If under attack, do whatever is necessary (execute turns, jump curbs, etc.) to leave the area. Go to the nearest safe haven


  • Whenever possible, call for a taxi from a reputable taxi company.
  • Before getting into a taxi, ensure there is only the driver in the taxi.
  • Do not allow the taxi driver to stop to pick-up another person, even if the driver says the other person is a friend or relative. If the driver stops to pick someone up, get out.
  • When you get into a taxi, always note the taxi number and driver’s name. Reputable taxi companies require their drivers to display permits, which have the driver’s photographs and name.
  • Always insist the meter be used.
  • Before getting into a taxi, make sure the driver agrees to take you to your destination.
  • Never take taxis from “brokers.”