Stay Fresh at Your Job

Stay Fresh at Your Job

As managers move up in a corporation, they have to shift their “primary managerial skills” – from the technical to the political and conceptual skills – to cope with new challenges and retain their zest for work.

Here are tips on how you can do it:

  • Examine the most viable path. Can you infuse your exiting duties with novelty? Can you find serious off-job pursuits that will provide new challenges? Can you find new enjoyment from mentoring your juniors?
  • When you experience mid-life uneasiness with your career, share these feelings with your spouse and children. Later changer, if any, will be much easier if they don’t come as a surprise.
  • Build change into your job and personal life. Periodically experiment with changing one activity in your job – eliminate it, or change it.
  • Similarly, periodically define personal growth and maintenance objectives that will force you to confront a new task in a way that will exercise your ability to perceive deeply and to master yourself.

What do you think about these tips? Tell us what you think in the comment section below!