#TravelTips: 4 Packing Tips For All Occasions

#TravelTips: 4 Packing Tips For All Occasions

Despite being a fun activity that is meant to ease your stress levels, we all feel travel jitters before traveling for the fear we’ll miss out on the packing, choosing transportations and so on. Packing is a particularly stressful activity as you will need to make numerous decisions based on your travels. Don’t let the stresses of travel get to you!

Here’s how and what to pack so you’ll actually enjoy that vacation:

1. Roll it up

Minimize wrinkles by rolling, not folding, three to four pieces together, with knits, embroidery or sequin-work on the inside.

2. Sock it in

Make every crevice count: Stow chunky necklaces or bracelets in socks; pack them inside shoes. Flying? Wear your bulkiest shoes onboard to fit in extra flats or sandals.

3. Snag your bag

Ensure that you’ll come home with the right suitcase with a ribbon tied to the bag handle (not solid red that’s what everyone uses). It’ll be a cinch to spot at the terminal.

4. Ease packing

Why bother to unpack travel-size toiletries when you’ll just need them next time? Keep them stored in a shaving-kit holder or a small bag with a zipper, to simply grab and go.