Yoga Philosophy And Meditation ( Lecture 3 )

Yoga Philosophy And Meditation


Description of Yoga in Holy Books :
In next Shaloka no. 13 and 14 of Ramayana – Shri Ram used to protect, nurse the public and ruin the enemies like Almighty God judiciously. He was savior of self and other’s religions. He did deep study of four Vedas and was well experienced thereof.

Now a days the above qualities are not coming up due to the influence of arrogance and false knowledge. Our world level culture viz. four Vedas states that the above cited qualities should be achieved at early age by king as well as by public. But the picture of present time described as under in Ramayana by Saint Tulsi Das in Utrakand couplet no. 97 and 2 verses is worse and totally against the culture.
“Sins of human beings have grassed all true religions. True Holy Books like four Vedas etc. have vanished away. Arrogant and selfish persons have made their own unauthentic ways of worship at their own accord being not mentioned in Vedas/Shastras/holy true religious books of ancient time. Now due to lack of knowledge of Vedas, every man and woman does his/her respective deeds totally against the Vedic culture. So-called saints have thus sold the Vedic culture i.e. they never study the Vedas and therefore know nothing about its culture with regards to the worship, instigated deeds, nationality and politics etc. They do not follow the holy preach of the Vedas. Tulsi further adds: –
“In the present time, keeping aside the truth, everybody is only after the way of worship suitable to him. Right authentic holy path and truth has been denied. Those who are boastful and talk baselessly are praised as if they are wiser/great holy saints. The most famous and wiser saint is defined who is the best arrogant and has generated his own path, based on false knowledge, suitable to him.” (Tulsi Ramayana).
Likewise Tulsidas, in several verses, has stated the condition of the kalyug that people will not care about their food, clothing and conduct, whether it is right or wrong, with regards to the Vedic culture . And these type of liarmen will be worshipped like a Yogi. The men shall remain usually attached to greed and sensuality with the result that they will dance on the women’s tune like a monkey on juggler. Everybody will be hostile to Vedas, Rishis,Yogis and Saints etc-etc.’

It concludes that Yoga gives us spiritual eyes to realize the truth whereas mere studying and preaching does not help in it. Tulsi Das’s Ramayana states a lot about Vedas and Yoga but I give a small description here-
Once Rishi Narada came to the palace of king Himachala (India). After well worshiping the Narada, King and Queen requested him to tell about the future of their daughter Uma. Brahmrishi Narada told them that daughter Uma is treasure house of good qualities but there is only one draw back that she will be married with an ascetic with inelegant appearance etc. When the king and queen came to know about this misfortune, they both were shocked, on the contrary Uma was pleased as Uma knew the truth. However Brahmrishi Narada advised a remedy and told that if their daughter Uma does Tapasaya i.e.,does Ashtang Yoga then the mis-happening and the bad shadow of the deeds will be reduced to ashes by the blessing of Lord Shiva. Then she will be married to Lord Shiva who is having the same quality and appearance, but rules all over the Universe. Everybody knows that Uma did hard Tapasaya and got married to Lord Shiva. Uma also added and told her mother that Yoga destroys all the sufferings and gives merriment. Secondly Uma briefed that by virtue of Tapasaya (right word from the Vedas is IKSHAN) Brahm creates the world. (This religious discourse taken from Bal Kanda Verse 3 under couplet 69 and verses 1 and 2 under couplet 72 of Tulsi Ramayana).
The above religious discourse inspires us to adopt the path of Yoga which destroys all evil, ills and sufferings etc. with mark of destiny same as in case of Uma. Had Uma not done YOGA with the blessings of her Guru (Rishi) Narada, she would have been married to an ordinary ascetic with inelegant appearance with the result she could be known by nobody on this Earth, as is known now by the power of Yoga.

This holy scripture was written by Bhagwan Ved Vyas about five thousand and five hundred years ago. In this scripture Vyas Muni has described all about religious ceremonies, knowledge, worship and Yoga philosophy etc., along with the history of several religious kings like ManuBhagwan, Yayati, Ashtak, Dashratha, Harishchander and several Rishis and Yogis like Atri, Agastha, Vishwamitra ,etc., describing that kings and Rishis both adored/worshipped the Vedas and adopted its knowledge in the each step of their lives, which tradition has now been ignored.Vyas Muni himself has been a renouned Rishi/Yogi and whatever he has described in the Mahabharta is a knowledge totally based on four Vedas. Even very few know that Holy Bhagwat Gita is an extract from Bhishma Parva,as no other holy book except Valmiki Ramayana was written during that period. So no other holy book was taken into consideration except Valmiki Ramayana while writing Mahabharata. It shows the period right from creation upto Mahabharata period. A shortest and the superb description stated by Vyas Muni mentioned below about the religion is very much heart feeling and beneficial to humanity if it is taken into account in daily life’s routine: –

In this connection too, Vyas Muni says while beginning of the first chapter of Mahabharta that he is stressing with both hands raising towards sky but nobody is paying attention that,it is only religion which saves the human being. And on the matter of religion Vedas as well as every ancient Rishi says that to discharge the duties satisfactorily by human being in accordance with the holy Vedic culture is called RELIGION. Lord Manu says “Vedaha akhilha dharmam mulam (Manu Samriti2/6) i.e., the root of all the religions are the four Vedas. Here the religion means DUTIES/AUSPICIOUS DEEDS TO BE DISCHARGED AT LEVEL BEST. The intension of Lord Manu is, therefore, very much clear that the duties entrusted to the human beings right from the birth till death have been nicely preached in the four Vedas. A huge description and superb praise is available about the best and ancient education of Yoga in Mahabharat. But due to lack of time only one description is given below –
” Sangam Rishi tells Rishi Narada, ‘whose Chitta is not united with Yoga Education, he does not get similarity in Intellect i.e., the similarity in mind in dealing with human beings,with the result that he cannot be an impartial person.’Whereas in the absence of Yoga, Sangam Rishi added, No body can achieve merriment or final liberation’s joy.”(Shanti Parva, Chapter 57 Shaloka 8)

‘The Vedas are originated by GOD’ (Guru Granth Sahib Mohalla 1 Onkar Shabada). ‘Four Vedas are originated by God. No body is capable to evaluate their importance. Vedas are inestimable and eternal.’ (Mohalla 5 Shabad 17).
— ‘Do not say that the Vedas are false. Liars are those who do not try to understand the Vedas.’
(Guru Granth Sahib Raag Prabhati Kabir Ji Shabad 3).
— ‘Vidya (knowledge), Tapasya, Yoga and Meditation are the way of worship.’ (Sukhamani Sahib Ashatapadi 24) Inspite of the above holy books, several saints like Kabir, Mira, Dadu, Charan Das, Sahjo Bai, Paltu Sahib etc. have quoted Yoga knowledge in their scriptures. In the ancient time i.e.,with effect from the creation, this Yoga Science originated by God in four Vedas, and had been spread through out the world. But for the last about five thousand years it has got its own down fall due to one or the other reasons. But now it is a matter of happiness that it has been learning and even understanding internationally .
Yoga is originated in Vedas by God and as God is father of the Universe so Yoga is for the benefit of all human beings. God has given us five organs of perception, five organs of action and eleventh is Mana (mind).It is human body wherein these organs function. When we arise a question, “What for human body is blessed by God? Then very few know its answer. Because this answer will only be obtained if we are inspired with religious knowledge from an experienced spiritual master or by studying holy books under his guidance.
You may be knowing the answer from the previous lectures that the human body is only meant for doing auspicious deeds after learning traditional knowledge. And while doing so, one should attain a final liberation stage (MOKSH). This is the main motto of human life. You can therefore, answer the above question in this way that human body is blessed by God to learn traditional knowledge, to do auspicious deeds and by virtue of worship we must achieve final liberation. Now think that until and unless our body is maintained free from ills, sufferings, tensions and false knowledge etc. no auspicious deeds can be done and no way we will find for achieving the motto of final liberation.

So, with the gift of golden human body, God has also gifted us the way by which it is well maintained and got free from all ills and sufferings etc. This way is called Yoga philosophy preached in traditional knowledge of Vedas and which one is a motto of this God gifted golden human life.
Yoga education keeps us away from all sufferings, tensions, evils and sorrows etc. For example, we construct a house and then protect it from damage and therefore maintain it properly. Then only the house gives us a good result of happy living. So is with the human body and Yoga Education. Consider body a house which requires well maintenance. It is well known fact that the Yoga maintains the body well and keeps it free from tensions, sorrows, ills etc. That is why Yoga Education somewhere is also called Natural pathy also for the benefit of human body. Lord Krishna very authentically says in GEETA(6/17) holy book that by means of Yoga one can kill all the sorrows etc. For example its third fold path is ‘ASANA.’ So where the education of Asana destroy mainly ills of the body (muscles, bones, joint pain, constipation etc.) its fourth fold path- ‘PARANAYAMA’ deals with the nervous system to purify and settle veins and mental disturbances etc. It will be taught briefly in following respective lessons.

However, the main motto of Yoga Philosophy is to worship GOD and to get final liberation as its result. In this connection you have studied a lot. Main requirement of Yoga education on the matter of spiritualism is truly, heartly and faithfully accepted by all concerned is that, whatever we learn by listening or studying religious books etc., on the matter of worship or peace or realization of GOD , we only become able to realise the same when we practice Ashtang Yoga. That is why Lord Krishna says in Bhagwat Geeta(11/8) that O! Arjuna you are not able to see me without Divine eyes, which are obtained always through the power of Yoga only. Further, too, it is added in Geeta(7/19) that the devotee who has been meditating (Yoga) for the last so many births, hardly he realizes me in his succeeding births. In Tulsi Das Ramayana it is mentioned that once Lakshmana asked Shri Rama – ‘What is illusion?’ Shri Rama replied that whatever you see from your eyes up to far away distance, it is all illusion and God is not a subject to realize from organs. Further in couplet 117(a) of Tulsi’s Ramayana it is mentioned that when a spiritual fire is generated within the body by the power of Yoga, all types of deeds reduce into ashes and the devotee attains final liberation stage. As mentioned in 7th Chapter of Yajur Veda Mantra 4 that the merriment of experiencing final liberation is achieved during present life through the power of Yoga which is called the stage of drinking SOMA in the Vedas. It is also stressed in the same Mantra of Yajur Veda that the stage of drinking SOMA (which is SAMADHI) is to be kept alive and protected through the power of Yoga during the present life as it is never achieved after death. Similarly Kapil Muni’s Samkhya Darshan says :-
Na Sravana Matrat tata Siddhihi (Chapter 2, sutra 3)
Meaning – That by mere listening, the stage of final liberation is never achieved. (Such kind of several fundamental laws have been interpreted duly taken from the Vedas by the ancient Rishis which requires obeyance faithfully and should not be changed being traditional/authentic.)
However, to listen the preach by a learned saint is a basic requirement mentioned in the Vedic culture but only listening will not serve the purpose of attaining final liberation (MOKSH). In addition to listening, discussion, demonstration and practice of Yoga Education under the supervision of an experienced YOGI has been stressed essential in the Vedic culture. (See that the knowledge is only taken when it is given by somebody and that is why the requirement of a Yogi (Guru) is naturally essential) In this regard a charming story comes out from holy epic of Mahabharta written by Maharishi Vyas that once an aspirant was doing Tapsaya in a jungle without taking or listening knowledge from Yogi(Guru) Rishi Narada decided to guide him. He(Narada) went to the place where the aspirant used to take bath on the bank of a river. Narada started throwing dust in the deadly flowing water of the river continuously, seeing the aspirant coming. When the aspirant reached the spot and saw the thing going on, he questioned Rishi Narada as to what he was doing? Narada replied that he is trying to stop the water by the way of throwing dust, for watering the plants in the field. The aspirant laughed and told O Narada your dust is actually going in vain in the water flowing forcefully and you will never be succeeded to get your target. Narada while throwing the dust continuously replied to the aspirant in taunting way that O aspirant go ahead I damn care if my dust is going in vain because this is a mere dust. But think yourself that you have been continuously doing Tapasaya for so many years without guidance of a Yogi(Guru)and totally your Tapasaya has gone in vain. The aspirant listening the word immediately awoke and the same very moment he started searching a Yogi for learning worship by means of Yoga Education /listening the preach in accordance with Vedic culture. Later on he became a great Yogi by the blessings of his Guru.

Kapil Muni further says :
‘JEEVAN MUKTAHA CHA’ (Chapter 3 sutra 78)
Meaning – The final liberation stage is only attained by an alive Yogi. He is alive because his soul is having body but in his body, he is a Yogi having final liberation stage (Moksh).
Final liberation stage is always attained during the present life by a devotee and not after death. Because he has attained it during life that is why he is called living Rishi/Yogi. Secondly he has realised God, that is why his stage is final liberation stage. Kapil Muni further says :-
‘Shrutihi Cha’ ( Chapter3 Sutra 80)
Meaning – Shruti means Vedas. That is to say that Vedas also authenticate the final liberation stage (Moksh), during life only and not after death. Kapil Muni further says :-
Updeshyopadeshatavata tata siddhihi (Chapter 3 sutra 79)
Meaning – Because whatever we learn through the preach of Vedas and Holy Books if we have realized all that through practicing Yoga etc., and have got final liberation during life then only it is accepted by Vedas or Shastras or Rishis authentically. And it is then said that a Rishi who has got final liberation stage is alive. That is to say that this stage is never achieved after death. If it is not attained during life then Kapil Muni says :-
Itaratha Andhaparampara (Chapter 3 sutra 81)
Meaning – In the absence of alive final liberation stage the human beings will be attached with blind community. And this blind community will be a tradition afterwards which one is a danger to humanity. Because only an alive Yogi can preach properly to the public.

That is to say that every body will listen Vedas and other holy books and the long-long preaches from saints etc. or will go through the Yoga bookish knowledge only but no body will do Yoga in action and will not get final liberation stage. And therefore, after long coming time every body will start saying that mere listening the preach of saints, singing spiritual songs, studying spiritual books, is a final liberation. According to Kapil Munis view it will be a blind faith and will thus originate a blind tradition. These truthful words have also been mentioned in Keno Upanishada – Tasyaye Tapsha Damaha Karama itee pratisthaha Vedas Saravangani Satayam Ayetanam
( Keno Upnishad Khanda 4 Shaloka 8)
The basic principle to realize the God is to do Tapasya (Yoga), Damaha – control on all organs, to do yajna, auspicious deeds and study of four Vedas.
So in the absence of doing Yoga, Final liberation is not possible .
From the above it is concluded that for a peaceful ill free long happy life and to achieve the main motto of final liberation stage, Yoga education is required by all concerned. We see Mantra 67th of Yajur Veda Chapter 12th wherein it is stated that a Yoga devotee properly meditate by virtue of Yoga power to realize Almighty God.
So after getting human life, every body wants to get pleasant tense free life. But out of several very few invent the way by which it is attained. And a result of studying Vedas and all other holy books it is concluded that Yoga Education is required to achieve the target.
Yajur Veda 35th Chapter and Mantra 10 states that this world is like a river full of stones. So we are like a stone in this river pertaining to world. We are wandering here and there baselessly under the impression of waves of previous births/deeds. These waves give us sorrows/tensions/sufferings etc., due to lack of knowledge. In Yajur veda Chapter 40th mantra 15 it is warned that at the end we will have to go to final resting place for cremation and our body will be reduced to ashes. That is why Keno Upnishad says –
‘If we realise God in this birth then it is good otherwise there will be a great ruin’ (Khand 2, Shaloka 5).
Patanjali Yoga Darshan also describes three types of sorrows. 1 Parinam Sorrow 2nd Tapa Sorrow and 3rd Sanskar Sorrow

    1. Parinam Sorrow : It is the sorrow when our all organs are enjoying while doing deeds but after its finishing we repent .
  • Tapa Sorrow : The stage when we do jealousy with the others watching their progressive life and pleasures.


  • Sanskar Sorrow : When we are separated from worldly enjoyment etc., and this kind of separation gives us pain so this is called Sanskar Sorrow.