4 Ways To Encourage Your Child To Be Self-Sufficient


When a child transitions from baby to toddler, there is a big difference. They are more vocal about what they want and are growing up. Sure it’s wonderful to see your child grow up, but at the same time you still want some time to yourself when you’re tired or when you have had a tough day. This is the perfect time to nourish independence and make your child self-sufficient.

Here are some things you can do to keep your child occupied:

Provide them with games

This is, by far, the easiest and safest way to keep them occupied. There are many books, games and toys in the market that would keep your child engaged while you are busy doing your work. Even better, you can even suggest games that do not require any extra tools and can be played or done anywhere. Some examples of games you can play include ‘spot the red car’ or ‘count the number of dogs you can see’ when you are in the car.

Engage them in household chores with you

If you are in the middle of doing your housework, this can also be turned into an opportunity where you bond with your child. This is going to help you and your kid spend your time both joyfully and productively.

This does not mean that impose household chores to children at a young age, but they can lend a hand at simple, basic tasks like- tidying up tables, arranging racks, cleaning the fridge or taking the trash out daily. On the other hand, this can instill a sense of responsibility and even maturity as they learn to do the chores with you. Despite the benefits, it’s also important to keep in mind is your child’s reaction and tendency to enjoy the chores allotted to them. Communicate is the key here, as you need to ask them how they want to contribute.

Take a step back

The next step to achieving self-sufficiency is to let your child to things on their own. Even though it’s a minor choice for children, simply choosing their own outfit can help encourage independence. Don’t worry for the choices that that makes such as wearing a raincoat on a sunny day or wearing a Halloween costume to go to the grocery store. We urge you to resist making a comment on changing said outfit but instead lavish them praise and let them wear what they have chosen. Confidence is what we’re going for in here, as they will gain confidence to continue dressing themselves. When it comes to fashion choices, believe us when we say that it will get better over time.

As the tasks get tougher and more advanced, offer verbal guidance and encouragement while at the same time giving them space to figure things out on their own. Soon, they will learn from doing and gain more confidence from their choices.

Bonding Time On How To Overcome Boredom Together

Activities can be done in order to overcome boredom, but it can also be the perfect time for bonding. Discuss with your child on your favorite book and art supplements, to a list of your favorite movies and songs to your kids. You can ask them to do these activities alone, or go through these activities then then discuss what they thought about it. Whether it may be The Diaries of a Wimpy Kid, Harry Potter, Geronimo Stilton or autobiographies, recommend your favorite books or movies, then ask them to go through those.

Alternatively, you could also register them to courses available on the internet. Ask them to pick what they think they like the most, simply choose it for them, then let them know how you loved to pass your time indulging in the same. You will not only create stronger bond with your child, but you will also give a sense of productivity and belonging in your kids.

What do you think about the tips above? Have you practiced any of it to your child? Tell us your opinion in the comments section below!