7 Effective Tips to Have a Great Day

7 Effective Tips to Have a Great Day: Wake Up With a Gratitude

With all the stress that is occurring due to the pandemic, it’s hard to have a great day. So much death, so much grief and difficulty that people experience makes it hard to go through the day with a smile. For that reason, we have compiled the 7 most effective methods that has been proven to make your day better. It does not require money or a lot of energy, just only a willingness to do it.

Here are the tips that you can do:

  1. Wake Up With a Gratitude

One happiness tip that you can do is to practice gratitude. This is because research finds that people who practice gratitude daily have a better and healthier life. Take time to enjoy the little pieces of happiness that you get from waking up in our own bed with our favorite sheets, and that we will have food for breakfast. Be grateful that we are well and able to take care of ourselves. If this is a little difficult for you, think for a moment how many people in the world are not as fortunate as you are.

2. Begin each day with good thoughts and intentions

The way you think also affects how your day will go. Which is why you can start the day by having good thoughts and intentions, which will help you get through the day. Continue this practice by thinking positively throughout the day. No matter how bad your day goes, remember that you are in charge of your mind, not the other way around (although for some people it feels that way). You can choose what you think, how you feel, and what you do.

3. Set up Goals for the Day, Prioritize

Whether we like it or not, setting up goals is an unavoidable part of the day. Unfortunately, it may seem tedious since the tasks brings stress to your day. Start by not setting up a lot of goals and instead with three to five important goals that really have to be done this day. Prioritize on these goals, as the others may need to wait until tomorrow or the next day. If you constantly fall behind a schedule, try to find professional help. If counseling is not for you, try seeing a life coach who might help you with your organizational skills. This will decrease the amount of stress you go through when your day is not well-planned and many things are out of place.

4. Be Good to Yourself

With all the stress and failures you might be receiving throughout the pandemic, being good to yourself is necessary and no longer just an option. Don’t be too harsh on yourself when you try to do it all, overextend yourself or overcommit yourself at the expense of your physical and or emotional health. Spend some time to rest and rejuvenate your mind and body. Even if you make mistakes, just learn from it and move on. Not only is doing these practices beneficial for your mental health, but also your family and your social environment.

5. Do Something Nice for Others

The more you give, the more you get. This quote rings especially true if you are on the throes of feeling bad for yourself. Doing nice things for others will instantly make you feel good, especially if you do not expect any repayment. If you have the time, volunteer in your neighborhood food bank, animal shelter, or other organization in need of these kinds of services. Otherwise, you can also donate money to a charity, or simply be a shoulder to lean on for someone. These acts of kindness, boosts serotonin, and dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitters in your brain. Therefore, it can help you get through a particularly bad day.

6. Listen to or read something that inspires you.

As much as reading the news is needed to keep up with what is happening in the world, it will only add to your stress. Instead, try something different this time. Fill your quieter moments with music, books, and TED-like talks that are uplifting and help you aspire to be your best. Doing this will motivate you and make you forget about the bad things happening to you and at the same time bring more optimism to your life.

7. Record at least one good memory.

This is one tips you can use for the distant future. When you have something good happening at that particular day, take out your journal, smartphone, or tablet and write down at least one positive memory about that day. When times get rough or when you need a boost of energy, you can glance through these memories to remind you of the good times. Surely this is effective in reducing the negative energy eating at you.

Which tips are you going to test out? Have you tried any of these tips? Share with us your experience in the comment section below!