7 Habits to Improve Your Brain Health

7 Habits to Improve Your Brain Health

The brain is an organ that plays an important role in controlling all body functions. Therefore, brain health is very important to always be maintained. If not maintained properly, various functions of the body’s organs will be disrupted.

Unfortunately, brain function can decline with age. This can increase a person’s risk of developing brain disease such as dementia and Alzheimer’s in their old age. However, by following a healthy diet and lifestyle, brain health problems due to aging can be prevented.

Here are the habits you can implement in your life:

  1. Eat antioxidant-rich foods

There are various types of foods that are rich in antioxidants, including vegetables, fruits, and nuts. The antioxidant content in these foods is believed to improve memory, prevent the effects of free radicals, and reduce inflammation.

A study says that eating foods rich in antioxidants reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

  1. Meet the daily recommended intake of omega-3

Omega-3 is a type of fatty acid that is known to be good for brain health. Not only can it improve memory, omega-3 is also able to prevent the decline in brain function due to aging. Omega-3 can be obtained by eating salmon and sardines.

  1. Quit smoking

Smoking habit can increase the risk of thinning in the cortex of the brain. The cortex is an important part of the brain associated with the ability to think, remember, speak, and perceive.

Therefore, if you are an active smoker, you should stop immediately. In addition to damaging the cortex, smoking can also increase health problems in the brain, such as stroke, brain aneurysm, and dementia.

  1. Doing physical activity

Not only beneficial for muscle and bone health, exercise can also improve the performance of small blood vessels in carrying oxygen-rich blood to the brain.

Several types of physical activity that can be done, such as walking, gymnastics, or jogging. Do it for at least 30 minutes every day. Physical activity or exercise can also trigger the development of new nerve cells and improve the relationship between cells in the brain to be more optimal.

  1. Limiting added sugar intake

Consumption of foods or drinks with added sugar can also cause disruption in the part of the brain that regulates short-term memory.

Therefore, to maintain brain health, you should limit the consumption of any food or drink that uses added sugar in excess.

Limiting the intake of added sugar can not only maintain a healthy brain, but also improve the health of the body as a whole.

  1. Adequate rest time

The main way to keep the brain working optimally is to give it enough rest. Adequate sleep is important to help the process of strengthening short-term memory so that it can be converted into long-term memory.

This ability is proven through research on the learning process of a group of children. In the study, children who got a good night’s sleep scored better on exams than children who didn’t get enough sleep.

Thus, to maintain the health and ability of the brain to store memories, you are advised to get enough rest time by sleeping 7-8 hours every night.

  1. Get involved in social activities

The results of research conducted on people who have dementia, show that by engaging in social activities, building connections, and communicating with others can reduce the rate of dementia.

Interactions with family, friends, or other relatives have been shown to be able to slow memory decline in adulthood. In addition, socializing with the surrounding environment can prevent us from stress and depression, increase a sense of comfort, and increase intellectual capacity.

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