Eggless Hazelnut Mousse recipe by Kavita Kapoor

eggless hazelnut mousse by Kavita Kapoor

Hazelnut Mousse  (Eggless) is simple yet delicious recipe shared by Kavita Kapoor


1/2  cup hazelnut spread

1 cup chilled whipping cream, I have used non dairy

If using dairy cream , add 2 tbsp powdered sugar

2 tsp kalhua / coffee liquor (optional )

Garnish :

1/4 cup toasted chopped hazelnuts

25 grams dark chocolate grated

Red cherries if desired.



  1. Toast the hazelnuts on a skillet for about 5 minutes .
  2. Roughly chop the hazelnuts when cooled .
  3. Now in a bowl , put in the chilled cream . Cream should be at 2-5 degree Celsius. Whip till soft peaks form .
  4. At this stage add in the Hazelnut spread and the liquor whip gently for 45 secs till all is mixed well
  5. Put into a piping bag and pipe into the serving glasses half way through .
  6. Now add the chopped Hazelnuts .
  7. Finish piping the rest and top with the balance hazelnuts and grated chocolate.
  8. Garnish with a red cherry .
  9. Serve chilled

Do share your mousse photos and comments below.

Kavita Kapoor chocobakerOther recipes by Kavita Kapoor


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