Gandhi Jayanti – Be the Change

Gandhi Jayanti - Be the change

Gandhi Jayanti Oct 2nd

Celebrating Mahatma Gandhi on his birthday. It is also the day now commemorated by the United Nations as the International Day of Non-Violence.
Gandhi’s life was an example of simplicity and devotion. His life and principles have inspired lives of all ages. He is remembered for many quotes including: On life – ‘My life is my message’; and on forgiveness – ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’

The song from Indian movie ‘Jagruti’ 1954 is very apt:

De di hame aazadi bina khadag bina dhal
Sabarmati ke sant tune kar diya kamaal
Aandhi me bhi jalti rahi gandhi teri mashaal
Sabarmati ke sant tune kar diya kamaal
De di hame aazadi bina khadag bina dhal
Sabarmati ke sant tune kar diya kamaal

Watch full song here on Youtube:

Mahatma the enlightened one
Won a war without sword or gun
Born in Saurashtra, a small coastal town
Which because of him achieved world Renown
A gentle human with a rare philosophy
Left his imprint in the annals of History