Gift Ideas to Thank Teachers


Teachers are natural gift givers, providing weekly gifts of their time, talent, caring and concern that far surpass that which they are paid to give. As a parent, you may have wondered how best to thank the teachers children. One of the greatest gifts you can give your child’s teacher is your active participation.

Teachers appreciate parents who actively participate by giving a helping hand in the class and school, including serving in any parent-teacher organization. Then too, teachers appreciate parents who help by attending field trips and following up at home with homework, extra learning activities and disciplinary training (i.e., reinforcing the teacher’s in-class conduct rules). If you’re mastering parent participation, you may be wondering how else you can show your appreciation for your child’s teachers.

Throughout the year, there are several great opportunities to give a gift to your child’s teachers. These include special holidays, as well as any day you want to send a special “Thank You,” to teachers of your children. Need some gift ideas? If so, consider some of the following awesome gift ideas for teachers.

  • Hand-made gifts are some of the best way to show your appreciation for your child’s teacher. Gifts in this group include such things as hand-made cards, baskets, and soaps.
  • Baked good are also a hit and can include cakes, cookies, candy, cupcakes, muffins, or bread. If you’re going to bake consider letting your child help with minor pre- or post-baking activities. Hint around to find out what is a favorite baked good, and make up a gift tin, or basket filled with these delicacies. But before you bake, keep in mind any special dietetic or medical needs of the teacher (ask before baking). If he or she is diabetic, for example, consider sugar substitutes that would complement a restricted diet.
    Perhaps the teacher is allergic to certain dyes, then opt for a baked good that does not include that dye.
  • You can never go wrong by giving your child’s teacher some new teaching resources. Consider giving a magazine or newspaper subscription. When in doubt, say thanks by giving a gift certificate to a book store where your teacher can select a favorite teaching resource (or relaxing read).
  • …And art supplies. Many teachers can’t keep up with the demand for stickers that reward a child’s performance. So, the next time you want to say thank you to your child’s teacher, pick up an extra pack or two of stickers.
  • Don’t overlook the gift of technology, such as educational, grade-specific CD-ROMS.