Event Report: Unlock Your Potential with Shareen Ratnani

Indoindians Online Event Unlock Your Potential with Shareen Ratnani

Join Shareen Ratnani on a journey to inner leadership. An attitude of ‘If it’s to BE … it’s upto ME

The unprecedented pandemic has posed to us new situations, changes, stressors and a burnout of some sort or the other. It is only our resilience, emotional strength and spiritual maturity that will help us evolve and pass through this storm.

Learn how to unlock our inner powers and attitude, feel empowered to handle the new normal & unconditionally accepting that Change is the only Constant.

Discover your inner powers & attitudes
The power to:
1. Withdraw
2. Let go
3. Tolerate
4. Adjust
5. Discern
6. Judge
7. Face/acknowledge
8. Cooperate

Download and print workbook here for the workshop

Participant Feedback:

I found the talk very inspiring and I think we all need a daily dose reminder of some of the topics covered by Ms Shareen. We are constantly evolving as humans and the general aim is to attain a joyful life. A joyful life will automatically attract positive things. We all have the potential to do so with just a few steps. Hoping to hear more from Ms Shareen and this talk would certainly benefit everyone including the younger teens.

About Shareen Ratnani

Cofounder of Kiddie Planet, teacher trainer, workshop presenter and Parenting Coach