Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Join the 7 day #IndoindiansYogaChallenge

Join Indoindians Yoga Challenge with Rasika Krishnamurthy

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter online here>>
Namaste friends,

Welcome to the #NewNormal life in Indonesia. Traffic is back on Jakarta roads while infection numbers are rising everyday. Malls and other services will further open from 15th June. Domestic travel with health certificates is now possible. One welcome change is the increasing availability of testing centers around the city.

While offices and business are opening with guidelines to maintain social distancing and safety, following the existing health protocols is a must: wear masks, regularly wash your hands and, maintain physical distancing.

International Day of Yoga is on 21st June. We at Indoindians invite you to participate in the 7 day #IndoindiansYogaChallenge starting on Sunday, 14th June 2020 with our yoga teacher Rasika Krishnamurthy here>>
How it works:
– A daily asana will be posted on, FB wall and Instagram
– Post your photo/video and tag @indoindians #IndoindiansYogaChallenge and tag your friends to participate in the challenge with you too.
– Lets Get Set Go….Pose…Click

Tune in to LIVE conversations with yoga teachers on Facebook. Yoga helps during these unprecedented times, to calm your minds and heart, making you stronger and more resilient mentally.

More on our online events and interesting articles:

Father’s Day is on Sunday, 21st June. Order gifts to make it special via Indoindians Giftshop today! Shipping to over 300 cities across India and to Jakarta.

Stay alert and safe,
Indoindians Team

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter online here>>