Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Looking Forward to 2020

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Looking Forward to 2020

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter online here >>

Namaste friends,

Can you believe this is the last Indoindians newsletter for the decade!

Normally at this time of the year, our team does a little victory dance to savor what has been – the successes and the challenges – and then dream of what the year ahead might hold. This time, a whole decade to reflect on, and a new decade to envision.
Just like an archer pulling the bowstring back to drive the arrow forward, transforming the future by reflecting on the past.

2020, Here we come!

It has been a very happening year for Indoindians and we have compiled the highlights of the various events.

Lots of insightful and inspirational articles to support your resolutions for the coming year:
10 New Year Mantras: Key to Wellness
8 Tips to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions
Tips for organizing yourself for the new year
9 Ways to Manage Your Time in 2020
Indoindians printable calendar/planner

5 days to go to a brand new year or 365 new opportunities…
With gratitude and renewed confidence and hopes,
Indoindians Team

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter online here >>