Conquer Clutter – Tips for organizing yourself for the new year


With the New Year approaching, getting organized rises to the top of everyone’s list. Restoring order to your home can allow you to increase your productivity and efficiency, stay focused, free yourself of clutter and save time.

And by being organized, you can create serenity and harmony in your life and, as a bonus, reduce stress.

Here are some tips and advice to help you become well organized for the New Year.

Setting Goals/Mission Statement

A common mistake at the New Year is to want to jump in and organize your whole house. Then you become overwhelmed and frustrated.

Setting goals and developing a strategy as a first step for getting organized. You must have a gameplan and very specific goals. Then break them down into smaller tasks and give yourself deadlines.

Go through each room and develop a strategy. Getting organized isn’t just about cleaning your space,it’s actually about creating the life you want.


Experts suggest that procrastination is one of the biggest blocks to getting organized. They recommend buying a timer and starting with small time increments, say 20 minutes or so. Once the time is up, you may find you have the momentum to add another 15 or 20 minutes to your project.

“Start with the projects which will make the biggest difference. Don’t start with a back closet, start with your desk,” says Siu, a motivational speaker specializing in organization.

And, most importantly, she stresses making the process enjoyable. “Put on some good music or invite a friend to join you,” Siu suggests.

Controlling the Clutter

An essential part of all home and office organization is managing clutter. Clutter can suck the energy out of the room and make you feel lethargic and confused.

Start by sorting through the clutter. It is important to be rigorous in this process and to question each item. Ask yourself:

  • When did you last use it?
  • Do you have a future use for this?

Many people justify keeping clutter because they think they will use it some day. There are only three things that can be done with clutter

  • throw it away
  • give it away
  • store it

A key element of clearing out clutter is finding a place for everything. Everything must have a home.

Paper Management

Paper management is critical in getting organized for the New Year. A good day planner or organizer is invaluable. For the new year, invest in a good quality system with a calendar and address book. Daytimer and Franklin Covey feature excellent planning systems in a variety of designs.

Start by going through all of your files and eliminating papers that you don’t need. Then set up your files fresh for new year. Divide the files into two categories, active and inactive. Keep the active files near your desk and the inactive files in a labeled storage box to save time looking through documents that may not be relevant.

Storage with Style

With the renewed emphasis on simplicity and organization, getting organized can become a stylish venture. Storage containers are not only practical but offer creative and unique decorating options.

An extensive line of quality shelving and storage boxes are available at leading online and offline stores.

Galvanized bins ideal for storing everything from gardening tools to cleaning supplies. Vintage containers found at specialty stores or flea markets are another option to add a sense of style.

Baskets can be used to store bathroom toiletries, crafts and magazines.

For a more inexpensive option, use clear plastic shoebox containers. They are ideal for storing office products and crafts, and they stack beautifully.

Staying Organized
Use the skills you develop for your New Year’s reorganization throughout the year. Like another popular New Years Resolution, losing weight, staying organized requires discipline and dedication.

Set aside a short amount of time each day to keep your files and clutter prone areas organized, and get in the habit of making decisions every day.