10 Mantras to Wellness by Aditi Srivastava

10 New Year Mantras

As we approach a brand new year, its our time to audit this years resolutions and all the things that we have been dreaming of or aspiring for come on the forefront.

I am listing out a few Mantras/ Resolutions that can be the Key to your Wellness in 2025.

So follow what suits you but my advice is that you must adopt at least 5 Mantras and stick to them and not throw them out of the window like all new year resolutions …………

Kudos to all who are following more than 5……great going !!!!!!!!

1st Mantra: Go Slow

Resolving to get more fiber in your diet this year? Or maybe adding more fish or fresh fruit? Any diet change is easier if you take slow, steady, small steps.

  • Vow to start your day with a fruit
  • Designate a day as fish day.
  • Package up a single serving of your favorite whole-grain cereal, then treat it as your mid morning snack.

2nd Mantra: Eat healthy and balanced diet:


How often do you hear that advice? But more important is that how often do you actually follow it?

  • This year start your meals with the combination of healthy fats, essential proteins and complex carbohydrates.
  • Include fruits and vegetable servings in your meals on a daily basis. A balanced diet is the key to healthy body.

3rd Mantra: Don’t underestimate your caloric intake:

Calories are simply a measure of energy. It is known that in order to gain weight, more calories need to be entering your body than leaving it. Conversely, if more calories leave your body than enter it, then you lose weight.

  • Eating More Protein Can Reduce Appetite, cut cravings by 60% and increase the amount of Calories You Burn
  • Avoid Sugary Soft Drinks and preserved Fruit Juices, the Most Fattening Items in Modern Diet
  • Drinking More Water Can Help With Weight Loss

4th Mantra: Tackle Mindless munching:

Mindless munching will derail the best of diet intentions. Once you start eating mindfully, ditch the foods you don’t really like and slowly savor the ones you do.

You’re chatting with friends around the dinner table and you just keep nibbling. Try these tips to reign in the munchies:

  • Pop a stick of gum or a sugar-free mint in your mouth.
  • Pay attention — look at each piece of food you plan to eat.
  • Busy your hands with a glass of water, a cup of tea, or cleaning off the table.

5th Mantra : Exercise- a daily must:

Walking for Health

Start your day with half an hour of exercise. It not only boosts your metabolism but also improves digestion and blood circulation.

  • If you can’t get to a gym, then consider doing some body weight exercises like push ups, squats, sit ups, etc.
  • Doing some cardio like walking, swimming or jogging can also be important. Not so much for weight loss, but for optimal health and general well being.
  • Of course, exercise also has a plethora of other benefits that go way beyond just weight loss… such as a longer life, lower risk of disease, more energy and feeling better every day

6th Mantra : Up Your Fiber Intake:

Experiment with whole grains, if you are planning for weight loss, we advise you to increase your fiber intake.

  • Fill up on fruits, veggies and whole grains – and be sure to read package labels to find the foods with the most fibre.
  • One of the easiest ways to up your fiber intake is to eat more whole grains.
  • Quinoa, whole-wheat couscous, bulgur and polenta are all quick-cooking options to add to your weeknight repertoire.

7th Mantra : Detox yourself regularly:

Detox programs can help aid long-term health, energy and weight loss because they help the body get rid of toxins that compromise the immune system and cause other mental and physical maladies. The advantages include: the immune system is stimulated, the hormonal system is enhanced, and dependency on substances such as sugar, caffeine, nicotine or alcohol can be reduced.

  • Detox with a friend. You can support each other through rough patches and applaud successes, as well as sharing recipes and tips.
  • Eat slowly. During a detox, you can stretch out your meals by chewing thoroughly and without hurry. Slow eating also aids digestion.
  • Treat yourself to a massage. Book time with a professional, or use an exfoliating mitt to work on your own skin.

8th Mantra : Cut back on Alcohol :

Drinking alcohol occasionally for enjoyment is acceptable but a habit can lead to risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, and breast. Substitute your alcohol intake with healthy drinks like green tea, fruit juices, lemon soda.

As per some research moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:

  • Reduce your risk of developing and dying from heart disease
  • Possibly reduce your risk of ischemic stroke (when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow)
  • Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes

9th Mantra : Pile On Veggies & Fruits

fruit and vegetables

Majority of us don’t eat the daily recommended 3 or more servings of vegetables. If you’re of the mindset that “vegetables don’t taste good,” but know you should eat more of them since they’re teeming with healthy nutrients and fiber.

Go for the Gold … and Red … and Purple

Colorful produce is packed with disease-fighting plant compounds, so when you shop, reach for a rainbow.

  • Designate a color-a-day. Maybe Mondays are yellow, with grapefruit, golden apples, or corn starring in meals, while Tuesdays are purple with plum and eggplant.
  • Go for a theme: Build a green pizza with emerald bell peppers and artichokes, or a red produce-infused chilli.
  • Vary the rainbow — pick up a new-to-you fruit or veggie the next time you shop.

10th Mantra: Water, Water, Everywhere:

water for health

It’s cheap, fat-free, and gives your body a quenching boost. Whenever you feel the urge of munching, have a glass of water. It will not only control your hunger but also purifies the system.

  • Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids.
  • Water Can Help Control Calories.
  • Water Helps Energize Muscles.
  • Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good.
  • Water Helps Your Kidneys.
  • Water Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function

Monitor Your Diet & Cut your stress :

yoga for calm

This is the most important resolution as your overall health depends on it. Regular monitoring helps you in identifying the problem areas. Monitor yourself when you party or go for an outing. Always make a rough plan before going out for eating.

Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress.  Relieve yourself of the stress through yoga, healthy diet and lifestyle modifications.

  • Buddy up with a friend or family member with diet and weight loss resolutions. Then share your ideas, plans, and successes regularly.
  • Leave the temptations — ice cream, chips, soda — at the grocery store. Promise yourself you’ll cater to cravings only outside the home, in one-serving portions.
  • Socialize with non-food events. Get your friends together in the park, for a hike, or at the movies.
  • Get moving 30 minutes a day most days. Go for a walk, give the car a good scrub, or go for a hike. Whatever gets the blood pumping qualifies!
  • Get those tests you know you need. Cholesterol checks, prostate exams, pap smears — stay ahead of the game by staying healthy.
  • Get all the snooze-time you need. Sleep helps body and soul recharge, stay healthy, and cope with stress.

Get set to start 2022 with 5 Diet Mantras- Look Good, Feel Good, Stay Healthy. Keep Smiling. Happy & Healthy 2022

Diet Guru Aditi SrivastavaAditi Srivastava is Diet Consultant for IndoIndians