Meditation Retreats Around Jakarta


We know that meditation helps us on many levels, from simple relaxation to freedom from suffering and full liberation of heart and mind. It allows us to experience greater calm, explore the mind-body relationship, connect to our feelings, and find genuine happiness. There are many ways for you to meditate, from following the instruction on YouTube, join a meditation class or register on a meditation retreat.

Meditation retreats usually comprise of several days of wellness activities, ranging from meditation to body detoxification. The programs allow you to find solitude within yourself and cleanse your body from toxic. As a result, you will have a more positive insight on life and healthier being.

There are many meditation retreats in Indonesia. Most of these retreats are conducted in Bali. But, there are also some of them that are conducted around Jakarta and Java.

Below is the list of meditation retreats around Jakarta that you can try:

Indonesia Vipassana Meditation at Dhamma Java Meditation Centre

Dhamma Hall, Puncak

This is probably the most famous meditation retreat in Indonesia. Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient meditation techniques, which was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. Vipassana meditation aims at the highest spiritual goals of total liberation and full enlightenment. It eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness: craving, aversion, and ignorance. During the 10-day course, you will have to stay for the entire period of the course and follow all the rules applied in the course.

Meditation center address: Dhamma Java Meditation Centre, Jalan H Achmad No 99, Kampung Bojong, Gunung Geulis, Bogor, West Java
Phone 0251-8271008
For schedule and registration info, click here.

Health and Happiness Retreat at Bodhi Meditation

Bodhi Meditation Center.

In this program, participants will learn and practice meditation techniques developed by Master JinBodhi. This technique enables the practitioner to experience a deep relaxation, discharge negative energy and activates the body’s innate healing abilities. Participants of this retreat will also receive guidance on how to lead a healthier and more meaningful life based on teachings by Master JinBodhi.

Location: Mega Glodok Kemayoran Office Tower A 7th floor, Jalan Raya Angkasa Kav B-6, Central Jakarta
Phone 021-29070735/39

Meditation Retreats at Yayasan Satipatthana Indonesia (Yasati)

Meditation retreat at Yasati.

Yasati offers a range of retreats for everyone, from 1-day mindfulness program to 15-day vipassana meditation retreat. The programs are conducted in the City Center, Bakom Forest Meditation centers, and several non-center monasteries. During the retreat you will be obliged to not doing activities that can harm the essence of the meditation itself, such as talking, washing clothes, and bring goods to the meditation center as they would disturb the concentration of other participants.

To register, you can sign up online here or contact Bakom Yasati secretary at 0877-20021577