UNIVERSAL CARE CLINIC – Kuningan – South Jakarta

Universal Care Clinic Kuningan Jakarta

When you are in Malaysia & Singapore, and catch a flu or simple fever you can easily step into one of the many Clinics which are run by a General & Family Practitioner Doctors. They also do simple blood tests – wound care – nebulizing for asthma patients as well as dispense medicines, making it a “One Stop Centre”

services at UNIVERSAL CARE CLINIC – Kuningan – South Jakarta

Availability of such a Clinic in south Jakarta should bring good news to people living in and around Kuningan.

The Universal care clinic is a private family and general practice clinic located in the EPIWALK, Epicentrum area, at the very heart of Jakarta City.

Universal Care Clinic Reception

Shedding new light on the idea of treatment from within, an internationally trained Indian Doctor, a senior medical practitioner, heads the  clinic equipped with his vast experience in the medical field at leading trauma centres and medical facilities in Malaysia and more recently, Singapore.

What sets us apart from the ordinary is our introduction and practice of integrative & wellness medicine for Living Well, Staying Healthy and Aging Gracefully.

We take pride in our methods of blending conventional medical treatment with natural medicine, focusing on the nutritional status of the body as a whole, rather than merely medicating for each symptom a patient comes with.

Our clinic offers all general medical treatment for adults and children, including Medical Check Ups – Second Opinion on your Medical tests – Local and Overseas Referrals – Vaccinations & Emergency Medical Evacuation by Air Ambulance from Jakarta to any hospital overseas as a “bed to bed service”.

Many medical research has shown in articles of nutritional medicine that aging starts at 30, which means many MICRONUTRIENTS are found to be lacking in our body system, causing unexplained symptoms – for which Nutraceutical treatment (Replenishment of Micronutrient is far better than Pharmaceutical treatment (giving drugs)

At UCC we give have a variety of “Intravenous Cocktails “for treatment of Dehydration – Vitamin B12 deficiency – Vit C for Immune Booster – Anti Oxidant Booster – Jet lag Remedy – and Hangovers Remedy.

It delivers 100% of the ingredients directly into the bloodstream at optimum absorption and potency, unlike when vitamins are taken orally.

Vitamin Infusion Therapies have become very common in modern society in developed countries and have been scientifically proven to Safe and with no side effects if appropriately practiced.

Dr.Gurusamy Asogan. MBBS.,FCGP  (India)

General & Family Practitioner 

(Integrative Medicine )

Universal Care Clinic

W227 – 1st Floor ,Mediiawalk

EPIWALK Complex -Epicentrum-Kuningan South Jakarta 12940

Ph: +62823 10 911 911 . WA +62813 25 911 911
