7 Meditation Centers in Indonesia


In our busy work and personal activities we often find ourselves under pressure to get things done under tight deadline and target. Not to mention the growing expectations of others. Often we do not realize that the accumulated stress from all of our activities has grown to dangerous levels, making us even more stressed, unhappy, and the worst, losing the spirit to live.

When we have reached that point, meditation is the answer. Meditation is a valuable tool for finding peace, relaxation, and relieving stress in our life.
Meditation is a technique or practice that allows you to relax and concentrate. With meditation we can learn on how to slow down our mind, and relax it to the level that our mind can relax. It can be practiced almost anywhere and every time you feel the need to loosen your mind up.
If you want to meditate under the instructions of the experts, these places should be noted on your list:

The Art of Living

Here you can enroll in The Art of Meditation course, which is also known as Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj, in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is silent yet lively state of awareness that lies at the source of thought. During Art of Meditation practice, you will find that your mind effortlessly experiences this state of Samadhi. Upon finishing your meditation you will find that you feel infused with these qualities of energy, clarity, creativity and perhaps, deep inner peace. The courses are held in various places and scheduled regularly.

Art of Living Indonesia
Phone 021-6513123
Visit www.artofliving.org for more information about the schedules and venues

Brahma Kumaris

Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Here you can take Raja Yoga Meditation course, where you can redefine the self as a soul and enable a direct connection and relationship with the Supreme Source of purest energy and highest consciousness.


  • Brahma Kumaris Main Centre, Jalan Cibulan 111/15 Jakarta
    Phone 021-7246794
  • Jalan Sunter Karya Selatan VI Blok B8/5 Sunter, North Jakarta
    Phone 021-6458054

Indonesia Vipassana Meditation

Here you can take 10-day courses Vipassana Meditation, where the technique is taught step by step each day. Vipassana Meditation aims to erase all of the impurities in our mind and reach the genuine happiness. During the 10-day courses, participants need to follow the rules and learn from the very basic. The whole course is only for those who are serious and devoted themselves to the comprehensive course.

Yayasan Meditasi Vipassana Indonesia
Jalan H Achmad Kampung Bojong, Gunung Geulis, Bogor
Phone 085921555766 / 085103663290

Anand Ashram Foundation

The Anand Ashram Foundation is the Center for Well being and Self-Empowerment. Here you can get meditation exercises where you can cleanse the emotional burdens such as anger, sadness, disappointment and trauma. There are various meditation programs in Anand Ashram Foundation: Neo Zen Reiki, which focuses on going beyond the physical/mental/emotional healing; Neo Stress Management, which focuses on empowering the participants and discover their hidden potentials; Neo Kundalini Yoga, which aims to make your life more rhythmic, and more responsive to all kinds of challenges you face; and Neo Sufi Training, where you can let go of all kinds of mental/emotional filths.

Anand Ashram Mother Centre
Jalan Sunter Mas Barat II-E, Block H-10, No 1 North Jakarta
Phone 021-6508648 / 085697132587


Tergar Indonesia

Tergar meditation training offers three main programs of meditation. First is The Joy of Living, where everyone can join this without religious and cultural restrictions. The second program is The Path of Liberation for those who feel inspired to follow Buddha’s way. The third program is Exploring Buddhism, a multi-year study program that includes the lessons of Tibetan Buddhism.

Tergar Meditation Center
Green Mansion Daan Mogot Km 10, Jalan Boulevard Raya 47 No 35, West Jakarta
Phone 021-29025314

Bodhi Meditation

The classes in Bodhi Meditation also vary, from the beginners’ classes to more experienced teachings. Practitioners can even choose the language of the classes, from both English and Indonesian. One thing particularly special about this meditation centre is that it offers organized retreats, in which practitioners have the chance to increase their energy and meet people who are on the same path and journey as they are.

Bodhi Meditation
Mega Glodok Kemayoran Office Tower A, 7th floor Jl Raya Angkasa Kav B-6 Jakarta Pusat
Phone +62-2129070735 / 29070739

Morf Wellness

Morf Wellness is dedicated to nurturing the Body, Mind, and Soul. We collaborate with professionals to offer exercise classes that promote physical balance. Our workshops are designed to educate and empower, while our meditation and healing classes focus on nurturing the soul.

For children, we offer holiday classes that blend physical activity with mindfulness, ensuring their overall well-being. Additionally, we provide private life coaching and mindfulness sessions for both adults and children, tailored to individual needs.

At Morf Wellness, we believe that true happiness starts from within. Our mission is to help individuals discover self-love and unlock their inner magic through our comprehensive programs.

Citihub lt 2, Jl Boulevard Artha Gading
(Next to kfc taco bell)

Contact – 08152326292/08179999339

Pondok Sadhana Amitayus

Located in Kopo, Cisaura, Bogor, Pondok Sadhana Amitayus is one of the favorite places for those of you who want to meditate during the weekend . With the name of the Mindfulness Retreat program, this meditation activity is carried out starting from 4.30 am until it ends with Noble Silence at 9.30 pm. For those who want to try meditation for a day, you can join the Day of Mindfulness (DoM).